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Image Comments posted by azlatic

    Zoe's Bath

    Holy cow...you are SO right! Never noticed it until you posted, but it's true. Thanks for the link to the Tweety pix...just showed the hubby and he totally cracked up. Methinks I need to re-title the photograph.





    Yep, he's both those things: strong (physically and mentally) and funny as hell. I got his wicked sense of humor and together we annoy my mom to no end.


    I made this as part an assignment for a portrait class I took. I was so focused on figuring out the lighting that I didn't realize until later just how much the subject means to me. I'll be forever grateful for the little internal voice that suggested I drag him into the community college studio for practice. And I'll be forever grateful that he let me!


    Thank you for your remarks.

    Wood Pile

    I think this is interesting, but would probably crop in a little tighter to avoid the boundary wood along the bottom and right side. Might make it a little more abstract.
  1. This is lovely. Try not having the horizon centered vertically on the image. Have either lots of sky (if you have great clouds, as you do in this shot) or lots of water (if the sky is bland)...makes for a more dramatic image!

    pritty in pink


    Gorgeous color and texture. Would love to hang this in my house!


    Can't think of a single improvement. Very beautiful photograph. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Here are some thoughts for improvement:


    1. Remove the distracting white fabric on the left.

    2. Move the pillow so none of the floor vent is showing.

    3. Crop closer to your subjects, and maybe try a lower angle.

    4. This image might work well in black and white, as I find I'm distracted by the rose-colored carpet.


    I love the repetitiveness of the dogs...one is like an echo to the other. Cute pups!

    First Bowl


    I like everything, in fact, except the angle. I think it's because bowling alleys naturally have such striking lines that you don't need to impose an off-kilter horizon to liven things up. I'd also probably try cropping some of the ceiling out, just that first section (keep the layers of lighting as much as possible), as I don't know that it adds anything to the composition. The lines in the floor are great, so I wouldn't crop there.


    I like the striking (no pun intended!) green against all the beige of the alley, and the bowler's reflection in the floor. I also do like the vignetting, and the motion in the bowler and the ball. Nice job!

  3. Great shot...one that I would love to have in my wedding album. You know, if I actually knew these people. :-)


    I love the catchlights in the boy's eyes. I think that's what truly makes this image.


    Unless you need it for printing standard formats, I'd consider cropping some of the black off the bottom. Over a third of the image is black, and I think it detracts from an otherwise fantastic moment captured.

  4. This is a wonderful image.


    My grandmother passed away last year and the family gathered at her house to sort through her belongings. While everyone went through knick-knacks and the stuff of daily life, and talked about memories, I documented the house with images much like Shirley's Stuffed Chair. I felt like it was my way of "keeping her" close, even though she was gone and her home was being taken apart. The photographs turned out so well that for Christmas I made an album for my dad.


    I am absolutely fascinated by the idea of documenting things that aren't going to be around much longer. Especially when they are things that, on the face of it, seem trivial. It's just a stuffed chair, after all. But your photograph of it is beautiful (great light!) and is an honor to Shirley's memory...I'm so glad you made it!

  5. This is a really fun shot. You captured so much of the emotion (and the temperature!) of that day. I'd like to see the original (since you said you Photoshopped it), just to compare.


    Very cool...thanks for sharing!

    On the Look-Out

    Nice shot...I like it. I do find the reflection near the bird's beak a bit distracting, though. I think only because it's so close to the beak. If it were anywhere else I think it would add some interest. Just my 2 cents!

    Way from Darkness

    Normally I think cat photos are trite and boring (and I have two cats!), but this one is outstanding. Great job. (And thanks for changing my obviously incorrect generalization about cat photographs.)



    This is really gorgeous...not only have you captured amazing texture, but there's just enough color to make it interesting. When I look at this, I'm full of questions and am left wanting to see more...which I think are both hallmarks of a really great shot.


    I like how you framed the image...may I ask what your thought process was? Why not show more of the car? Not that it's wrong to show what you did...I happen to really like your choice. I'm just curious more than anything!



    Love it! I've been looking at dandelions all week, trying to think of a different way to capture them. I can give up now...you've gone and done it!


    I do think the harsh dark line near the center bottom is a little distracting, but not enough to ruin the shot. Is it a roof line?


    Thanks for sharing this. Next time I see dandelions I'm sure I'll remember this image and think, "Why didn't I think of that?!"


    Those eyes!!!! Great framing, beautiful light. May I ask what you used as your light source? Because you have soft light falling across her cheeks with just enough catchlight in her eyes to make them pop while not distracting.

    In Valletta


    I love this photograph! I'm really drawn to images like this, and you've done a great job capturing a certain feeling of timelessness.


    I think the off-center black frame is distracting. The image is powerful enough to stand by itself, or with just a thin black or white rule around it.

    Blue Chairs

    I found the scene exactly like this...my photography instructor made me swear on Ansel's grave that I didn't set it up. There was some sort of construction work going on inside the building, and my guess is that the chairs and planks were placed outside to keep people from parking there. Any other guesses are welcome!
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