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Image Comments posted by daniel.barton


    This is a nice image of a loon & young. I'm no composition expert, but I might crop this to emphasize the reflection. The slightly non-horizontal shoreline in the background give the image an off kilter feel.


    Paul I really like your talent at catching birds in flight and you've shared some really nice images. In this particular one the shadow cast by the head and bill on the throat / upper breast is very distracting to my eye.
  1. This is a beaut. I think the foot actually makes the photo for me for some strange reason. The 'Details' tab says this is shot with the Sigma 50-500. Out of curiosity about that lens (never seen one!) what focal length was used? 500?

    Feeding Machine

    This is a beautiful image. I give it 7/7 for sure. Yet, I find the position of the fledgling's right wing strangely distracting. But maybe it makes the image more interesting because the eye goes away from the adult, to the fledgling, than back again.
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