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Posts posted by max_chiu

  1. Alright... just when I thought all was well.<br>

    When I was messing with my camera and lens some more today...<br>

    I tried to shoot at a more closed aperture since the sun was really bright and I noticed that my aperture once

    again does not change. I managed to get it to open up all the way to f/1.8 but now it stays and does not change

    when I change it through the camera.<br>

    Basically, I dialed it up to f/22 and took a picture. The aperture did not actually change to f/22 and took the

    picture at f/1.8 and then after that my camera said "Err"<br>

    So maybe I really should just get this lens exchanged for a new one...

  2. Okay guys, I feel totally dumb right now.<br>

    I was just messing with my camera and my lens...<br>

    and as I was attaching it... I kept the lens release button held down... and wiggled the lens around...<br>all of

    a sudden, the aperture opened all the way!<br>so then i released the button, moved the lens a little, and it

    clicked. Now everything is working fine.<br><br>

    I want to thank ALL of you who helped me out with your knowledge.<br>

    This forum truly is full of amazing knowledgeable people who are willing to lend helping hands.<br>

    So once again, THANK YOU!<br>

    I will definitely be here again if I encounter more problems.

  3. I get the feeling that this might be the case.<br>

    Perhaps I got unlucky and received a lens where the lever is too far in.. so it never touches the lever in the camera.<br>

    I noticed that when I attach the lens... it opens the aperture a VERY small amount...

    <br>so I feel like the lever is catching, but not enough to open it all the way.

  4. The lever on the new lens does look like the ones on the other lenses... except that it's a little narrower. But in general, they look the same.<br>

    As I turn the lens, I guess the lever is not engaging because the aperture is staying shut.<br>

    And yes, it is a very tight fit also... and I am pretty sure I have turned it as far as it can go.<br>

    Maybe I just have a defective lens?

  5. Richard,<br>

    That is correct. When the 50mm is on the camera, the aperture stays closed down like in the picture I attached. It does this when the camera is both on and off.<br>

    When I put on my other lenses, they all work normally and the aperture looks fine.

  6. Ian,

    I will try some outside when it is bright later on today and the sun is out.

    Hopefully it'll work okay. I've been trying to focus on many things in my room...

    items on my desk.. boxes.. doorknobs.. i haven't tried the light yet.



    Yes, I have other AF lenses. They are both AF-S and they work flawlessly.

  7. Hello everyone,

    I'm using a Nikon D70s and I just recently placed my order for a new 50mm f/1.8 D.

    Well, I just got it today... and so the first thing I did was attach it to my camera.

    However, as I have it attached and I'm pointing it around my room...

    it just won't seem to focus on anything with auto-focus.

    it just keeps going all the way from one end to the other, without locking focus on anything.

    I don't know what the problem is.

    Please help me?

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