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Posts posted by py-photography

  1. The camera can't control the flash, its something that was added to newer model Canon flashes. Or at least this is my understanding.


    You need to set up the flash for 2nd curtain sync.


    Its the same for me and the 430 EX and my 7D I set the flash up for 2nd curtain sync.


    My options in the camera menu are also not available.


    Hope this makes more sense...

  2. IMO (In My Opinion)

    I don't think this is competition and/or a contest... But more of money maker for the organizers.

    I mean think about how much money they stand to make from it...


    Another thought I have is.. Do you sell them the rights of the photos entered? By sell I mean fork over the entry fee...


    By this I mean, do "they" get the unlimited use of your photos?



    If 90% of the entry money was going back into the prizes and awards I might feel different.


    Note this my opinion only.. I feel these contests are scams. But then I am a skeptic by nature.


    In the end you need to do what is best for you.

  3. I have the 24-105 on my 7D and love the combo. I gave a hard look at the 17-55 and decided that long end wouldn't be long enough for me. I would like the 2.8 and missed it on XTi. However on the 7D and the high ISO performance, I don't seem to miss the extra stop. However another stop of light is never a bad thing...


    I have yet to really say the 24 wasn't wide enough for me.... My next lens will most likely be the Tokina not sure if I will get the 11-16 or the 12-24 version.

    For the same reason I very happy with the high iso shots my 7D can provide, if I nail the exposure.

  4. The first thing I can think of is... New batteries how much and how easy are they to come by?

    Depending on the answer to those 2 questions, I think the camera would make a great second body.

    I honestly don't see the batteries being a problem, but I haven't looked into the batteries...

  5. I've haven't tried the tammy, but was able to use the sigma and have no complaints for the short time I had/used it... I am the opposite of you however in the fact I enjoy being able to change lens. I found the IQ of the 10X zoom a little on the soft side. Which of course is understandable...

    I don't think either one is a bad choice if you understand the limitations of lens design in making the 18-200 all in one zooms.

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