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Posts posted by tim_coffey2

  1. <p>Use the bathroom! Seriously! The bathroom in the home is likely to have the least amount of dust because there is usually no soft furniture, bedding, curtains etc. These items collect and disperse dust easily. Also, you can run the shower for a few minutes to increase the humidity. Humidity keeps the dust down. Public restrooms are also places with low dust if they are subject to a regular cleaning schedule. </p>
  2. Alan,


    Thank you for such a detailed and thoughtful reply. You make some great points and brought to my attention some things that I did not even consider. And, as the last poster commented I also thing that your reply will certainly be of assistance to others as well. Do you have a website where I could look at some of your equestrian work? That interests me.



  3. Hello,


    I would appreciate anyone that could contribute your experiences with event photography. My current business

    model is shooting public events such as community celebrations, parades, youth sports, etc. Posting those photos

    on my website and using as many free advertising opportunities as possible to get website traffic. So far, so

    good! I have had a few sales. I have been advertising on craigslist, yahoo groups, internet community forums,

    grocery store bulletin boards, contacting school band directors and administrators, coaches, etc.


    Is there anyone else doing this type of event photography that could help me benefit from your experiences to

    increase sales? My business is secondary self-employment so I do not have to make a fortune but I would like to

    increase sales. Specifically I am looking for ideas for events to cover, advertising, prices, etc. You can view

    my website for an example of events and prices and get a general idea of what I am attempting.


    Any feedback is much appreciated.





  4. I am considering starting in event photography. Primarily county youth league sports to start with. Here is my

    question: If I shoot a baseball game and offer those photos for sale on the web is that considered "commercial

    use" of someone's image? Would I have to get a release from each parent on the team? Or does "commercial use"

    simply mean portraying them advertising or endorsing a product? Am I safe shooting the game without any releases

    and then giving the web address to parents and spectators to inspect and purchase my photos? Thanks in advance

    for your time to reply.



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