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Posts posted by mpwp

  1. <p>I have a 5D a 40D, several L series lenses, great 580 EX flashes and the whole shabang, but I'm loving my little Zumi II camera that my wife bought me for my birthday. Its my first toy camera. True, it doesn't have the charm of the original 8mm cameras or the precision of my other digital photography gear, but I love that its so simple and fun to use while striking a nice balance between the two. The new one records video, sound, has BW, Color, ISO's of 100 or 800, and is very fun to use. I still love my regular gear, but love that this little camera is such a fun one and wanted to throw it out there as one of the alternate cameras.<br>

    I know its a cheap camera with an expensive (to some) price tag, but since we have some spare change my wife bought it and so far I am having fun with it.<br>

    Here are a couple of my recent favorites:<br>

    <img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2732/4432950110_e0169d6eae_d.jpg" alt="" /></p>

    <p><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2710/4441859173_e0cf30644b_d.jpg" alt="" /><br>

    <img src="http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4067/4415518771_1427dc8a4f_d.jpg" alt="" width="500" height="375" /><br>

    <img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2705/4415516907_7db2bdcdcf_d.jpg" alt="" /><br>

    I have more on my <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/jic-designs">flickr</a> page and a cute video on my <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nsgP90O5Vw4">YouTube</a> page.</p>


  2. This might not help you as you are talking about a program, but for an HTML based one which would be good for

    clients that you can't see for a bit you could use the one below.


    I use a very inexpensive and highly modifiable slideshow called ThumbGallery for my HTML site. Click on my name

    above and then go to my site to see if you like it. Go to the company's site and you can see how different mine

    looks from theirs. That modification took only about 10 minutes and their site explains exactly how to do it.


    <a href="http://www.flashrelief.com/thumbgallery/features.html">ThumbGallery</a>



  3. When I started my business I used SmugMug and redirected my website to them. To me it is great as a low cost way to get you started with a website. They have a shopping cart function, great ability to change the look of the site (to a certain extent, not as much as your own website), and they have great forums for support.


    Having said that, early this year I began my migration off of their service. I started by moving my main site off of them and just kept them as my private gallery for clients.


    Starting this month I have setup my own private gallery for clients with a shopping cart function on my website. So now I really no longer need smug mug. I am now in charge of everything and have to admit that I like not having to pay them for that.


    My vote is go with them if you are looking for a low cost solution to get a website, shopping cart, and gallery function up and running quickly. Plus Google indexes their site so you can enter keywords and have them searched for:) BUT, I say purchase your own domain name and have it redirect to your smugmug account. The reasoning behind this is if some day in the future you decide you want to go with a professionally designed website you'll want to keep your domain name that you've built up a reputation for.



  4. I'd have to say no to the backup on site. I agree with Eric and Conrad and say back them up when you get home. Flash Cards can go bad, but so can the device your backing them up to and in more cases than not you'd spend more time backing them up on your portable device then you would just getting them home and backing up on DVD and hard drive.


    There is one circumstance where I backup on site. If I am at a wedding and I have to stay somewhere over night and I'll be away from my backup drives and DVD burner I will use my laptop to backup the cards and also burn them to DVD.


    I carry my cards on my at all times at the wedding and do not leave them with my camera gear as that is insured and replaceable. I use a couple of card wallets and they are safe and sound.



  5. My wife and I shoot together and try to match what the guests are wearing. We do differ on how we dress though. I dress business casual with cargo pants. I find them indespensible at holding an extra lense, cards, and batteries.


    She wears dark colors since she is usually upfront with the bride and groomsmen shooting. I stay to the back shooitng from a distance so I wear browns mostly. Honestly, as long as you are comfortable and your dress is appropriate to the type of wedding you are attending then that is all that matters.



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