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Image Comments posted by Boxcutta

  1. Hi Duane .... I'm no expert. But I had never photographed unidentified flying objects until I bought my first Digital.


    Suddenly I was getting stars where there were none ... and finally two moons .... one far away and slightly green. Many new red stars.


    At first I was excited, but since then I have discovered it is a trick of the DSLR. Perhaps a hi-energy particle strikes the CMOS and gives the false image. By blowing up the second green moon it was identified as the old moon just miraged on the picture


    cool bananas ... greg

  2. Oral history:

    Dan Toole: "I can't put a timing on the mural, I have a feeling it is around 1969,Clifton did not own the pub at the time, it was owned by Barney Davie. He and Clifton were mates, Clifton used to bring art classes into the desert to do week long art things. The story goes that Clifton got stuck at the pub during the wet, got bored and started painting the walls."


    At the Family Hotel, Pugh painted a devil who looked like his ex-wife's boyfriend, and two nudes who turned out to be the pub owner's daughters.



    When Gough Whitlam was Prime Minister the Historic memorials Comittee bought Pugh's portrait of him and it is the official portrait hanging at New Parliament House in Canberra




  3. Gunboat HMQS Gayundah (1280 x 800 pixels best)

    Launched 1884 Newcastle-on-Tyne.

    Was the scene of Australia's only naval  mutiny.

    Hosted the first meeting of the fathers that founded the Federation of Australia.

    Served in the first World War.

    Patrolled Australian waters for 76 years.

    Was present at the Bee-Gees first ever performance. (Filmer's Palace Hotel on Woody Point)

    Now rests at Woody Point, Qld, Australia.

    Hope you like greg

    Civil War



    The Wiki has the following to say about this camera.

    ".... However, most 110 cameras were cheaply made, with mediocre lenses and only rudimentary exposure control. The small negative size of 110 film makes it difficult to enlarge successfully. For these reasons, the 110 format is associated with prints that are often rather blurry and unsharp."

    But it is not all the fault of the camera. The photographer must take some of the blame. It was my first ever camera




    Civil War


    Machine gun chatters from it's lair

    Lethal metal streaks the air

    Indiscriminately striking everywhere


    Friend or Foe ? ... it doesn't care


    ... at least it shows machine guns play fair.


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