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Posts posted by laurence_cuffe4

  1. <p>Glad to hear your geting the machine out, I'll have to get back to mine which is buried under a load of stuff in the garage.<br>

    Re Tripod. If you are serious.<br>

    Makers of large telescopes have a similar problem, and there seem to be two solutions.<br>

    1) atach wheelbarrow handles with wheels on the ends. This allows you to move the telescope around easily.<br>

    2) use marine trailer jacks to provide the machine with wheels you can wind up and down.<br>

    Both these solutions would involve building some sort of a box to hold the camera up from ground level, and then providing the box with wheels to move it.<br>

    Theres a picture of this kind of thing at the bottom of this page:<br>


    All the best<br>



  2. <p>I know its very late on this topic. I have used a 20x24" agfa process camera for pictorial work.<br>

    Mr Cad in london have Film in large sizes, I bought ten sheets of 16"x20"<br>

    Its easier to use paper negatives as you don't have a shutter. I have set up the camera in my garage and photographed sitters outside the door by opening and shutting the door for a 30 second exposure, I deveoped this imediatly and then contact printed it while wet onto a second sheet of the same paper, total time 5 minutes to viewable print for the sitter.<br>

    A lot of fun.<br>

    All the best<br>

    Larry Cuffe</p>

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