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Posts posted by lloydffoto

  1. <p>Hi, I'm thinking on purchasing either the V700 or the V750, I shoot mainly 6x6 but regulary use my trustee FM2 and have a fair back catalogue of 35mm images, both slide and neg, the local pro lab can scan for me but around £20 including VAT per roll for 30-40mb scans, if I want single scans done then it's around £18 per Hi-res scan, not cheap, getting myself a high quality scanner is a no brainer.<br>

    Can I achieve this filesize with the epson??<br>

    Have also been looking at old Nikon 9000ED to cover both formats. I am not worried about image storage as have plenty space. <br>

    Can anyone help?</p>

    <p>Regards, Keith..</p>

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