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Posts posted by kfeige

  1. 33 years ago my classmate Thomas was the first one to buy a Canon FTb, and so did his friends. If Thomas had had an Asahi Pentax at that time, I would probably be reading the Pentax Forum...now seriously, there are of course many possible reasons, marketing eg. I am living in Poland now, and it seems to me that far more people (no tourists but locals) use Nikon, and also in the shops there seem to be more Nikon and Sony than Canon.

    I still have 4 FD bodies which work fine and which I use every now and then, but I switched to Nikon DSLR some years ago. I was just curious.

    And they did not disappoint me!

  2. hi darren,


    try and get an adaptor, last week i bought one at radioshacks on broadway opposite charging bull for $$8---


    every now and then hand baggage is checked at the airport; i have never been asked where i bought my equipment, but if you can't prove you bought yours at home you might get some problems, especially if your equipment is brandnew--so at least hide the package of your drebel and make sure that the battery is charged and there are lots of pics on the cf-card


    have fun at b&h and in nyc,



  3. Hello Peter, if I were you I'd at least keep the TS lens and one pro body (F1?)- chances to sell on ebay will be better if the equipment is very clean (take flash pics of your lenses+things) and works extremely well. Have fun in Florida and don't míss Key West:-)

    Keep shooting, Kurt

  4. ...will be provided by Epson, name R-D1; will have 6mp CCD, Leica M lenses can be used; price of body ~$$3000; when available?? necessary at all?? ;-)


    I'd recommend an EOS Rebel K2


    Keep shooting, Kurt

  5. What's Canons deal?

    Well, they want or money, and I guess they already have it--when I was your age I used an old Olympus and just one prime lens 1.4/50 and didn't know that Canon exist-later I had an A1 with 35-70mm, not missing other lenses, and I still like my old pics, really.

    You own a D30, maybe you pick a 35/2.0 and/or 50/1.8, could be a good start.

    For taking pretty good pictures you need your fantasy more than tons of expensive equipment.

    Keep shooting :) kf

  6. I guess yes-they were selling the EOS 3 for �950 just before Xmas in the Ruhr, now it has completely disappeared out of the shop displays-that's a sign :)

    Speed isn't everything; if I were to buy a camera now, I'd take the 30V and spend the rest on better lenses-If you are from NL which I guess, don't buy in Cologne: too expensive ;-)

  7. Hi Sam, I hope you're not thinking of selling your analogue equipment!! You may need the 20mm EF on Eos 50E for wide angle (remember the crop factor of the digiEOS)-and: you'll probably know that the EF-S just works with the digi body,and only with DigiRebel! What a nice thread, by the way...

    :) Kurt

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