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Posts posted by nima_m

  1. <p>Hey guys,<br />I was hoping I could get some advice from you veterans for my upcoming one week trip to Cuba next month in terms of preparation for a wedding I was invited to shoot.<br>

    <br />I have the basics covered, I think. 2 cameras, a few primes, a flash, a diffuser, spare batteries, a tripod, a bag for all the gear, valid Canadian passport, Plane tickets, medical insurance...I think I'm covered okay for gear and basic stuff...anything I miss?</p>

    <p>I'm not planning on shopping or partying, just going there to shoot and take in the scenery as much as I can.</p>

    <p>Please advise. Thank you.</p>

  2. <p>I am not an architectural photographer (just hobbyist), but I've always liked shooting landscapes, and buildings. Right now I've got some cash burning a hole in my pockets and up til a few days ago, I was dead set for buying a new 24 mm tilt/shift mk2. However, I'm wondering if anyone's gotten a chance to play with the 17 mm version and how they like it and if they have some pictures taken with it. Any suggestions? I'll be using this on a 5d m2.</p>


  3. <p>Hi there,</p>

    <p>I bought a new body 2 months ago, and have taken about 1200 pictures since then. About 3 weeks ago I noticed something wasn't quite right when I was previewing my pictures on the LCD.</p>

    <p>I would press the "play" button to show me the pictures I've shot already, but after a split second, the image would be gone from the LCD. After pressing "play" again, the same thing would happen. I would then power cycle the camera and try again, and it would work fine. But, again, it would do this later on. I have tried 2 different brand CF cards, and the issue is still happening.</p>

    <p>I'm wondering if this is a known issue, or if it is grounds to take back to retailer and send in for repairs.<br>

    (Camera has been handled with care)</p>

    <p>Thank you for your input,</p>



  4. <p>JDM von Weinberg, well, I have a Rebel XT...I've had it for almost 2 years, and it's been pretty good to me so far. Only thing I miss is full frame, and the ability to shoot/frame in low low light with my 50 mm 1.4</p>

    <p>I bought the 24-70 to compensate for the wider end and because it's fast for the rebel (yeah, I know it will look pretty stupid) . But it's not 1.4 fast. So that's my dilemma now... just plunk down some more for the mark 2 and use my 50 and be happy, or get this awesome lens?</p>

    <p>While not as fast, it will give me back my full frame coverage I had on my 50 and it's sharp as hell.</p>


  5. <p>Hello, everyone<br /> <br /> I just need some advice on a matter that I'm sure a lot of you go through. <br /> <br /> A month ago I purchased an EF 24-70 L for close to 1500.00 Canadian. Now, it's been over a month and the lens still hasn't come in. I chose this lens because I've seen how sharp and amazing the colors on it are, and also for the major reason that it covers quite a bit of focal range, and its constant f2.8.<br /> <br /> I use a crop body now, but before that I was using a full frame film body with a 50 mm 1.4/1.8...and I was happy with it. Really happy. I've missed the full 50 mm frame since using crop...and well, now I have almost enough cash to forgo the 24-70 and just buy a mark2 5D. Trouble is, I don't really make money doing photography, it's just a hobby. Would I be justified in buying this 3000.00 body? <br /> <br /> Any advice would be very much appreciated.</p>
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