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Posts posted by elan7

  1. Hi Guys,

    I have a problem to connect my 2 580's exII with Packet Wizards. here is my situation: I put one 580 exII on a 5d

    using PC sync cord I plug pocket wizard to 5d pc terminal, the second unit I using off camera with packet wizard.

    I have the flashes set on manual. at 90% shooting the off shoe flash mist fire. I'm just wonder what I'm doing

    wrong. If anyone known how to keep one flash on a camera (possibly use ETTL on it) and the other off camera (no

    ETTL) and packet wizards to make the flashes work every time. Thanks

  2. Guys, thank you so much for the information. I have to start learn how to use my sekonic l-758. I hope it'll help me in some cases. The reason why I asked: I heard from some guys don't use any light meter it's waste of time, but the other way how I see it, taking couple shoots to figure out exposure is not waste? The other way I heard the histograms on ours cameras not perfect, and shows us just histogram of the picture what we got on a back cameras screen, and I known from my experience this picture what I got on my camera screen very often is different from what I got on a screen of my computer. In this case it make a sense fro me to start using light meter most I can, as you do guys. Thank you again
  3. Hi everyone,

    I'm beginning wedding photographer. I'm looking to work with some experience

    photographer as a second shooter/ assistant. I would like to lern much more than I

    known, do what I like to do in my life, help you out and built my portfolio. I don't see any

    problems to work for free couple times to show you my work. I have 5d, 24-70 2.8, 70-

    200 2.8 speedlite 580, and profoto studio lighting. My email is elan7 at wp dot pl


    [phone number removed]

  4. it st grate setup, but some guys and the guy who I'll shoot the weding for, told me the best lenses is a prime. but looking for his euqipment 40d and 3 prime lenses not L series I thin I can do same job. I was just thinking is better spend the money what I got for new prime lenses or next camera, and I talked with this guy and he says I don't need another 5d, 40 d is enough (I don't think so is still good camera but 5d is better). By the way if you guys known any weding photographer who I can assist during his weddings (Detroit area). I don't looking to make money, just lern and have fun. Thanks again
  5. Hi guys,

    I�m new on photonet, but I�m watching you a while. I have a question. I have Canon 5d

    and EF 24-70mm f/2.8L USM, EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM/ USM and 180mm macro

    from Canon. I�ll have the wedding very soon, my first one. I�ll be a second

    photographer. I�m just wonder if I need any extra lens. I�m thinking about 50mm 1.2 or

    some wide angle. But if you guys think the lenses what I got is enough then I�ll keep the

    money for next 5d. Let me known thank you

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