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Posts posted by steve_fuller1

  1. Just to show it takes all kinds...


    I've have an EOS-3 from that same late '90s period and it's proven to be a dead-on, bullet-proof wonder. Never had a single issue with exposure, electrical aspects or the drive. Most of my work is now digital, but I'm never disappointed when a situation calls for taking it of the shelf.

  2. Vuescan is a wonderful program, but batch scanning 6x6 film with a LS8000 will take years off your life. And if you look around long enough on the web (comp.periph.scanners, yahoo ls8000 group, etc.), you'll find that many people have asked this very question without ever getting an answer. And the program's author suggestions are...vague.


    I finally resorted to using the dreaded nikonscan for batch work. If someone sends you the solution, please post for posterity.

  3. I tried every suggestion -- mirror behind the negative sheet, lightbox in back, etc. I finally cobbled together a Umax Powerlook II with a full lighthood from parts off Ebay for a reasonable price and it's doing the job. Together with Vuescan, it's a nice combination.


    Let me know if you'd like a sample. I'll also end up selling this after scanning all my back negatives / slides if you're interested.

  4. Ed's answer is right. Typically, lupines bloom in the middle of June and Rugosa in early July, but our spring is a little late this year. If you push everything back two weeks, you should be OK. And the way things are going, if you wait four weeks, you should be arriving just in time for fall foliage....
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