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Posts posted by constance_cook

  1. <p>The more information they have, the faster in and out. And as far as my belongings not being worth flying a $1000 drone over, well, my belongings matter to me and I don't want anyone knowing the layout of doors. </p>

    <p>i remember why I decided after I got well enough to be interested in photography again and was going to send membership money. I have hesitated and now I remember why. The general tone of nastiness is not worthwhile. Some can state an opinion or a fact and it's there for others to read and make decisions about. I've been here since 1990 and it never improves.</p>

    <p>Meanwhile, no one is going to jump my fence unless he wants to speak with a higher tone of voice. And watch out for my leaf rake or worse.</p>

  2. <p>My leaf rake is innocuous compared to firearms and I doubt I would ever shoot one down but-- and here's the but -- those of you who don't live in landscapes where there are ''''''''''bangers don't see what a 'harmless drone over your property could mean'. A list in no order: citing to see if you have central air that could be located, ripped off and sold, where other doors in the back or inside side could be located for breaking and entering, items of yard furniture, etc. seen from above but not at street level because of nose-high wood fencing, location of room in your house where IT is located, exits for what you plan to 'liberate' and the list could go on up to you being at home when they make a well-diagrammed move in your absence and anything else that springs to mind as time goes on. These are real considerations.<br>


    <p> </p>

  3. <p>I had/have all of them. I prefer my F5 by far. It has traveled hundreds of thousands of miles with me with no problems. I love the layout and the way it feeels. Weight was not a problem. I could never warm up really to the F100. It just wasn't an F5. I bought a base for every Nikon that had one because I like the feel.</p>

    <p>In digital, I prefer the FX body but in truth, I just like film.<br>


  4. <p>I have seen the show twice. It is excellent. Her description of her thought processes about heer photograpshy weere valuable. I didn't sere the daughter being there to defend her mother but she was on site I think because she assisted with editing the book and the show.</p>

    <p>I loathe child pornography but I also don't think Mann's work is in that category. I have seen some real child pornography and willl be haunted by it as long as I live.</p>

    <p>Sally Mann has the intellect to have been on the top of any mountain she wanted to climb.</p>

    <p>II agree wholly with Fred G.<br>


  5. <p>I'm with Lex. The other part I see to this is that if people choose to come out into the public in costume, they have made themselves available and are fair game. If they didn't want to be photographed, they could have gone elsewhere or stayed home</p>

    <p>And I would resent 'instruction' in that kind of venue unless I asked.<br>


  6. <p>I got one in Osaka several years ago that appeared brand new. Before I came home, I took it to Nikon in Tokyo for a complete checck up. They were impressed.</p>

    <p>Unfortunately, it seems to be in all the things that were stolen in February while I was in the hospital. It was as good as it looked. I bet yours will be too.<br>


  7. <p>Thinking about what Lex and Fred wrote, almost all the photographers (as opposed to those who take pictures) are gone from here.<br>

    I've not been here for about 3 years except to drop by occasionally just to see what was happening.</p>

    <p>I've been here since 1990 and can list those I followed in skill and advice on one hand.<br>


  8. <p>I'm dense this way but I've never understood what someone got out of 'mate rating' or gaming the system in any other way. They've proven nothing, usually about nothing so how can that bolster their fragile little egos? It's a lie and remains a lie.<br>


  9. <p>Oh! I'd be very interested in what they found interesting. </p>

    <p>You're right about appearing to be Southeast Asian Visitors but also correct about that accent. Nothing like it. I couldn't blend in at all - duh.</p>

    <p>You can learn so much by what others post of their travels.</p>

    <p>And the minilabs will burn to disk and I've seen a few where they would put them on a thumb drive for you.<br>



  10. <p>The blonde attraction is seriously true. I'm 6' tall and naturally very light blonde. I just behaved as I do here. I've never acted as a stranger in any country I've been in. But in Japan you can't help but notice the attention.</p>

    <p>We've been terribly worried because one of my students worked for a company I won't name at the units at Fukushima and even with the help of my husband we haven't found any news of him.</p>

    <p>I understand their interest in the 'ghost town' because I had been to Chernobyl before the meltdown. At the time, I thought it looked wrong somehow. What was missing of course was the outer covering that I was used to seeing like at Three Mile Island. I still grieve about that because the people there were so kind to me and they were very proud of the reactor. It was during the Cold War and everyone wasn't as accepting (this is not blame) and the loss of their community and personal belongings must have been horrific. Of course I have no photos but the people and scene are etched in my memory.</p>

    <p>The girls may be doing a bit of what, in my opinion, they should. They are looking and absorbing instead of just looking through the viewfinder. Yes, get photos but see where you are, smell it and feel it. Between the two, they'll have the photos they want later but they'll have much more if photography is a part, not the whole. Blasphemy!</p>


  11. <p>Yodobashi is my idea of heaven! The Yodobashi in Osaka is more than adequate but doesn't come near Tokyo. Film is still plentiful there and over in the shops in Koreatown is a good place to buy film and camera gear.</p>

    <p>The man I had the the problem with was very drunk and Japanese didn't phase him. Still, given where I've gone in the night with much of my gear and alone, one incident makes the point that Japan is all but crime free. Not bad for 24 years. I'm there less now but will return to living in Tokyo again off and on.<br>



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