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morlichs perspective

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Image Comments posted by morlichs perspective



    Hi, Taken at the Downhill world cup, interested to hear what people

    think of this image. Thanks. It's also in colour,but I prefered the

    B&W shot, also have other shots of the rider in the air. All comments

    welcome, THANKS

  1. Hi, I like the view point. This would be great as artwork on the wall. So Bush bought you the camera. . . how's that work then? sean


    Just noticed that my posts seem to be sent at anti-social hours, I suppose thats what happens if you live in Scotland.I actually posted this at 9.06 am my time


    Hi, I think this photo is very good, love the colour and detail reflected by the building. Excellent composition 10/10. I am an amateur photographer and can't find much wrong with this photo, SUPERB



    Hi, The image is really dark, and could do with brightening up in photoshop. I am not an expert but I had a go in photoshop and here is the result. The best way to avoid under-exposure is to bracket the shot on your digital camera and use a higher ISO to improve light sensitivity. I hope that has helped.



    Love the idea, but wierd looking eye. Remember to try and off-centre subjects like this, not always but most of the time. Like the colour

    Simba (Our Cat)



    Great photo, and detail, the eyes are so intense. The image would benefit from a tighter crop to the ears of the cat. I seen your post about not getting enough feedback and since i am a new member I can understand the fustration. Hope that helps. sean


    Hi, I think it would look more effective if it was sharpened up in photoshop or something, because it's slightly out of focus. Hope that helps.
  2. Hi, This was taken a number of years ago and I never got round to

    using the image for anything. I cropped it and thats about it, but I

    am not sure about the grass in the foreground, I think it distracts

    the eye. Any advice on the photograph would be great. Thanks.

  3. Thanks for the good advice. I didn't actually use any flash on this image when it was taken, it was such a bright day. I will use some of the flash settings for my latest photoshoot. I will try and replace the original image with the one you edited as well. Thanks

    the rookery

    Looks almost like a painting, but I don't think the house in the background sits to well on the field. The trees and the sky are fantastic, great composition.



    I am new to photonet and would like to know what you think of my first

    image post . . Thanks. This is the first time I have used this

    technique, I am not sure if I pulled it off.

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