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Posts posted by rachel_chaplin

  1. <p>I am starting to do a lot of seniors, kids and family photography and I'm unsure how many poses I should be taking per session. Is there a number I should try to aim for? Also, how many images do you show as proofs? <br>

    I find myself getting frazzled b/c I feel like I am spending too much time trying to get as many poses as I can and I think the quality of my images may be suffering because of it. <br>

    Any info you can give would be greatly appreciated!</p>

  2. <p>I have been shooting with a Canon 5D and an 85mm f/1.8 lens, which works absolutely beautifully with singles or couples up close, but when I try shooting groups where I have to back up to about 15 feet from my subjects, I have a hard time getting everything in focus. Am I using the wrong lens for group shots? What is the best lens for shooting outdoor family portraits? Any help would be greatly appreciated. </p>
  3. <p>I am using a Canon 5D with a 550 Speedlite and shooting outdoor portraits. My question is: How do I force my flash to fire to prevent underexposed faces. I'm using spot metering and have my flash on ETTL. I'm not familiar with a lot the acronyms so if you use them, please give me the long version too. I just bought this flash and it's the first time I've used anything other than what normally comes on the camera. Any info would be greatly greatly appreciated. Thanks!</p><div>00T8yY-127445584.thumb.jpg.fb22244c71ccdcc2452799b990b17244.jpg</div>
  4. <p>I have a canon 85mm f/1.2 lens that I'm using to take portraits. I'm on autofocus and I find that whenever I am shooting from an angle other than straight in front, parts of the face not closest to the lens are out of focus. <br>

    When I take a photo from above the subject, their hair is crystal clear but the bottom of their face loses sharpness. Same when I take a photo of someone looking at me with one eye closer to the camera, the other eye goes out of focus. Getting really frustrated with this. Someone please help!</p>

  5. <p>I'm getting used to my 550ex flash with my canon 5d and having a problem figuring out what I need to change. I just took these photos today. Please tell me what to do to prevent my photos from getting that washed out look. The first photo was taken with no flash and the second was with flash.</p>

    <p> </p><div>00SgFs-113817584.thumb.jpg.3283b0efb0281201ad0e3713afae1b19.jpg</div>

  6. <p>Can someone help me figure out the simplest way to receive payment for portrait sessions? Should I charge for the sitting fee at the time the session is scheduled? Also, can anyone suggest a way to receive payments online? Is paypal a good option?</p>


  7. <p>I currently have an 85mm f1.8 lens and want to buy a Canon 24-70mm f2/8 lens for wider shots and more flexibility, but those are pretty pricey compared to the Sigma equivalent, which is significantly less expensive. <br>

    My question is: Is there a marked difference in the performance of these lenses? <br>

    Thanks! </p>

  8. <p>I am getting ready to set up my website and so far this is what I THINK I need to do:<br>

    Buy a domain name<br>

    Build a website (I'm thinking about Bludomain, but can't seem to figure out how that company works and there are no contact numbers)<br>

    Find a web hosting service<br>

    Am I missing anything? <br>

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated!</p>


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