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Image Comments posted by juhani_heiskanen

    The Little Stream


    Nice nordic feeling - you can almost feel the coldness of the water.


    The question I have is would this have been better earlier in the day when the sun was a bit lower and light not so harsh as it is here. But then again if this was in the middle of a trail and you were there in the day time. Yes - you have to take the picture when you are there and that's it.


    But looking at the picture it the high contrast that really gives the picture that crisp breath of the cool nordic spring.


    Now that the spring is over I already miss it. But this photo helped me in my 'lengsel'.



  1. Spring is here and these two leaves are facing the elements. The other is

    just budding (litererally) and the other one - well as the novelist said "so

    it goes". I tried to create drama here with the background and DOF so I

    did some thinking here but the question is: does it show?


    Your views appreciated





    I know that Depth of Field is crucial to macro photography and here I was looking for that. I have taken pictures like this myself and never gotten tired of this subject. It seems that with the droplets you can not go wrong. Always beautiful.


    I would have tried to get all the droplets inside the DOF but usually that is not possible without a tripod and it is all too easy to loose the droplets in a breeze (pun intended ;-).


    Love the picture





    Standing and facing the elements all year round the trees. Simple and humble but showing the signs of life in the trunks and the branches telling stories for the ones who care to follow the lines. I know it's weird but I just love trees and pictures of them. This one is nice cause now we are in the middle of winter and waiting for the spring.


    I like how the sky behind the trees stays in the background and let the trees tell their story.





    Evening songbird


    The DOF right on the target and the branch nicely curved it is very observing kind of picture or a perfect picture of a little bird. The bird really comes out of the background and looks like it had been sculpted there.





    I don't know if that is Swedish at all but the idea was to say something like


    the sorrow of autumn with a promise of a hope (meaning spring)


    The fainting green in the background is like a reminder of the past summer. It's all memories now the whole summer but there is a hope of spring behind the looming winter.


    And now it is time for me to go hibernating.


    Thanks for the picture



  2. As always with macro the DOF is very delicate. I myself always wonder how the picture would be a bit (I mean a wee bit) better if it had had focus also there or there. But then again that is exactly what makes macro photography so much fun.


    Wonderful picture and the drops are fantastic. 7/7



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