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Image Comments posted by docj4life



    Believe it or not, this was taken in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. I thought

    it looked a bit like an African plain, specially after my two nephews ran

    towards the futbol (soccer) net. Couldn't resist a shot like this. Thanks

    for any comments.



    On vacation in cape breton with my two nephews. My nephew in the

    green wanted to show me the hulk smash by jumping into the air with

    his legs and arms back and then coming down smashing into the

    ground-well my other nephew decided that he wanted to be in the

    picture as well and jumped right after and without warning, causing the

    one to look back at his brother-it made a great photo. Tell me what you

    guys think. Thanks.



    Looks like a poster. very nice, I like all the mud. My cousin rides and would love a poster like this, excellent shot and well timed.





    Been away for a while. Finally put up the photos from Cape Breton.

    Please visit the folder and leave comments, critiques, and/or ooos and

    ahhhs-lol-just kidding. We had a fun time there and do we ever want to

    go back. Thank you again for visiting.


    This is something someone would hang up in their den. Good light, good capture. Too bad about the crane on the building. My eye keeps going there. Otherwise very nice.


    Thank you. This was taken right outside the Fort Mississauga in Niagara on the Lake. The morning was bright, the sky blue and the grass and trees were green. I saw the shadow of the trees and thought that the way it was was too ordinary and so turned it to sepia and darkened it untill I could see the shadow a bit more. Thank you again. your comments mean a lot to me.
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