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Image Comments posted by ergates1

  1. I really like hte sky, the clouds and the rays from the sun reaching out! The foreground and the threes, people and upturned boats work well too. However, I'm not sure about sticking the sun in the picture. It could be that just hiding it behind one of those threes would have worked better? Anyway, well done!


    It is a nice sunset as they go. But it does not score on originality or technical prowess. It looks smudgy on my monitor (this might be the re-sizing). Also the picture does not contain very much to look at. Big areas are just an orange smudge. Choosing a different angel, perhaps where you would see more of the bridge in silhouette and producing something out of the shadow of the boat?

    Crystal Balls

    I'm not sure about this. To my eyes it is too chaotic, the water droplets and the green colours begs of simplicity. The purple lines make the leaf almost look dirty and the many droplets and busy background does nothing to enhance the image. Also the highlights on the droplet does not help.


    Very clever with the sun and the shape between their faces. I'm not so sure about the mould(?) he is standing behind, it looks like he is standing in it? Also on the horizon I feel the island disturbs a bit, perhaps a slight re-composition would have helped this?
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