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Image Comments posted by mel-zzp



    We had six beetles and this one alway stood over the others ones. The

    funny thing is that it was one of the smallest beetles. Thank you for your




    Trying new things and I am putting it out there to see what I get

    Thank you for your time and comments. If you rate it a 3 or lower please

    tell me why ... it's ok I don't bite

    D.E. flowers


    David it is not your eyes :) The photo overall wasn't a sharp photo. When I tried to sharpen it didn't look any better, so I tried to soften it a little more instead.

    You are also right about the dark area and I am working on that too. I have looked at the photo so much that I was starting to get carried away with ideas. I posted here to see what other may feel. Thank you for your time.


    Thank you Helen for taking the time to comment on my photo.

    D.E. flowers


    This was another picture I was going to deleted from my computer.The

    original color of the flowers are faded pink. Like the other photo I took a

    step back and wondered can I do somthing else with this photo? I

    would love to hear comments bad or good, but please if you rate it a 3

    or lower please tell me why. Thank you for your time. Mel

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