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Image Comments posted by benjamincharles

  1. Very original composition from this place compaired to a lot of the others I have seen. Very well done. I can't really think of anything that could be done to improve. Possibly a bit of a tone curve, but even that really isn't a hole hearted suggestion. Great job.


    Really great color balance and tonal range for this photo. The composition is also very well balanced and exposed. The only thing I think it lacks is a bit of linier dynamic to direct you through the photograph. Great job though, and keep up the good work.

    autumn aspens

    Instant classic. I really enjoy the perspective of this photograph. Having seen it in print myself, it is only even better. The placement of the sun flare on the bottom of the image is nothing short of flippin awesome. Great color, tonal range, and composition. Again, instant classic and there is nothing I can say that would help to improve this photo.

    mountain farm

    Well, you know how I am about human elements in photography. Just my personal preference is to do without them. This photo really fights to change my mind about that perspective, and is doing a damn good job of it. Love the photo.
  2. Very intense color in this photograph, it seems to pull your attention right in. I really like the diagonal, vertical, and horizontal alternating lines in the composition. It offers and excellent dynamic. Again, exceptional technique. I can't tell for sure, but I think I see a bit of motion blur in the foreground plant? Not sure about that though, could just be my eyes.
  3. Nick this is a great composition. Very original and unique as a subject as well as composition. The perspective is very original, and tonal range very balanced. There really isn't anything about the photo I could pick apart to help improve it as far as your techniques. Very well done, a definitive favorite.
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