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Posts posted by sally_elvin

  1. Hi William, thanks for your help, I appreciate what Steve is saying but like you say time is limited and if I dont give it a go, I'll never know! If I have learnt anything over the last year or so with photography it's that it is all a big learning curve.
  2. I have a Canon EOS 400D and a 70-200mm lens, which is what I use for my portrait stuff, but can hire a wide angle lens, tripod and flash if that is what I need. The pictures are for a kitchen company's website/brochure - I have already shot the outside of the showroom and some close-up detail shots as a holding page for them but now they are ready to expand the website and want interior shots of the kitchens that they make/supply. See www.tayloredkitchens.com for what i have done so far.
  3. Hoping someone can help with some technical advice for a shoot i have coming

    up. I am a portrait photographer usually shooting children on location using natural

    light but I have been asked to photograph a kitchen showroom which I would

    really like to do but have no experience with this sort of photography.


    I'm thinking that I need everything sharp from back to front and will therefore need

    to set my aperture quite high (how high do I need to go?) and therefore my

    exposure is going to be quite long so I will need a tripod which is fine. I'm

    wondering about lighting, I know nothing about off-camera lights and so dont

    really want to go down that route if I can help it, but what about a larger on-

    camera flash? How does it work if my exposure is 10 seconds say - had a play

    with my normal flash and the flash only lights for a second or so, even if the

    exposure is 30 seconds long?


    Also I dont have a wide angle lens, but am going to hire one - what sort of size do

    I need?


    So many questions!!! Thankyou in advance to anyone who can point me in the right

    direction, really looking forward to the shoot - just would love to do a good job!

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