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Posts posted by tammy__

  1. <p>I have a paralegal background and b.s. degree, and experience in photography and software development to boot, and I thought I'd look at possibilities of moving into the forensics direction to perhaps bring my experiences together, and just couldn't find any good information with basic searches besides some ads. I'm located in the twin cities, mn, and I'm interested in finding out more about what path/coursework would be required or recommended, or does it simply take being on the inside. Thanks for any input!</p>


  2. <p>I'm looking for more information on doing csi photography, and related coursework. I am interested in talking to anyone who does it for a living, for informational purposes, and the career path it took...<br>

    Thanks in advance!</p>

  3. I am doing some volunteer work and I'm worried that some of the language in the agreement (drafted by this county)

    pertaining to republication rights might be a bit vague. Does anyone have any samples, or can suggest adding

    elements to it that might be missing?


    Thanks for you help!



    "Agreement between ________County (County) and, _________________________ (Photographer).


    For use of an individual photograph or photographs

    1. The volunteer Photographer agrees to provide a photo or photos for use by the County in its various print

    publications, on its various Web sites or in any other form or medium published by the County.


    Model releases

    2. The volunteer photographer will provide a release for any identifiable photo subject under the age of 18 signed by

    the subject’s parent or guardian.


    Information about payment

    3. The County does not pay for photographs submitted by volunteer photographers.



    4. Under this agreement, the County has nonexclusive use of the photo or photos in its various print or electronic

    publications cited in clause 1 now or in the future. All other rights are fully reserved by the Photographer, except as

    limited in this agreement.


    Online, database rights

    5. If the County wishes to publish the photo or photos online, it may do so at its sole discretion and without

    compensation to the Photographer. The Photographer reserves the right to use the photo or photos on her or his own

    website or in his or her promotional material.


    Republication rights

    6. The Photographer may republish or sell for republication the photo/photos he or she licenses to the county by this

    agreement, with the following limitations:

    • The photo or photos may not be published or posted in a publication or Web site that may harm or tarnish the

    image, reputation and/or goodwill of the County, including but not limited to publications or sites that include sexually

    explicit material; material that violates local, state or federal laws; or material that violates Ramsey County’s

    Respectful Workplace policies.


    Credit lines

    7. The County will provide appropriate photo credits whenever feasible.


    Originality of work

    8. The Photographer represents and warrants that he/she is the sole author of the photo or photos, and that no one

    has reserved the rights granted in this agreement.

  4. here's what I have..



    In consideration of________Dollars ($_____), and/or other valuable consideration,receipt of which is acknowledged, I, (print model’s name) ___________________ do hereby give ______, his or her assigns, licensees, successors in interest, legal representatives, and heirs the irrevocable right to use my name (or any fictional name), picture, portrait, or photograph in all forms and in all media and in all manners, without any restriction as to changes or alterations (including but not limited to composite or distorted representations) for advertising, trade, promotion, exhibition, or any other lawful purposes, and I waive any right to inspect or approve the photograph(s) or finished version(s) incorporating the photograph(s), including written copy that may be created and appear in connection therewith. I agree that the Photographer owns the copyright in these photographs and I hereby waive any claims I may have based on any usage of the photographs or works derived therefrom, including but not limited to claims for either invasion of privacy or libel.


    Check if applicable:

    [ ] I am of full age* and competent to sign this release. I agree that this release shall be binding on me, my legal representatives, heirs, and assigns. I have read this release and am fully familiar with its contents.


    Witness: _________________________________ Signed: _______________________________


    Address: _________________________________ Address: ________________________________

    Date: _________________________________ , 20________


    Consent (if applicable)

    Check if applicable:

    [ ] I am the parent or guardian of the minor named above and have the legal authority to execute the above release. I approve the foregoing and waive any rights in the premises.

    Witness: _________________________________ Signed: _______________________________


    Address: _________________________________ Address: ________________________________

    Date: _________________________________ , 20________

  5. I have an assignment to shoot for a (MN, U.S.) county park's and rec department publicity materials. They want me

    to shoot pictures of the parks and people there enjoying themselves. I have a "model release" I got from a stock

    photo book, but should I change any of the language to fit the circumstances, or make it seem less scary for the

    general public, as they are not seeking to be models? Does anyone have a release that would fit this situation I

    could use? And any advise as to approach anyone that seems skeptical about these things..


    Much appreciate it,




  6. I've been reading about copyrights transfering in a work-for-hire, or employee contracts, but I'm wondering if working

    as a volunteer can jeopardize my copyrights? I am volunteering with a county parks and rec dept to photograph the

    parks for their marketing materials in exchange for some experience, tear sheets etc, and I've already discussed

    briefly that I would give them a free usage, not copyright, although the guy I met with was pretty much just gathering

    information. But in our meeting, he mentioned that I would be representing the department as a volunteer. Since

    that meeting, the plan is that a contract will be drafted next week, and I am wondering if anyone has knowledge

    about volunteer status, or if I should insist on changing that aspect...


    Thanks in advance!

  7. I'm interested in seeing some portrait shots with the 50mm, if anyone has any.. I'm working with the 10D right now, but I'd like to plan my purchase to possibly work with the 5D or its successor as well.


    Thanks guys so much!

  8. I was wondering if anyone has compared these lenses for bokeh?


    Canon EF 85mm f/1.2L II USM

    Canon EF 85mm f/1.2L USM

    Canon EF 85mm f/1.8 USM



    I need a new portrait lens, but I cannot afford the high end lenses. Does any know if I can get a similar bokeh and

    working distance in the cheaper model, obviously I know I'll have to sacrifice some quality or another, you get what

    you pay for in lenses...


    Also, I have a canon10d with 1.6 crop factor, is the bokeh going to suffer with these lenses on that, or can I

    compensate? Otherwise, can anyone recommend the best portrait lens with a crop factor?



  9. I need a little help in my situation. I am volunteering to the County Parks and Rec Dept to do photos for their brochure and webpage of parks and people recrecreating. This is a first of this sort of assignment for me, and I'm taking it because my goal is to just keep working, and get experience, and a client list, without being too shafted of course. Their goal is to stear away from using i-stockphoto. Their policy is to not give photo credit--which I've asked they look into, as I'm wondering myself what the deal is. I'm wondering what arrangements or alternatives that could be pitched so that would allow me to show other clients my work from them, and/or should I just bring my own release in addition to theirs that would allow me to display and use the photos or outtakes for future use. They seem a bit clueless about the law and business of photo usage, and someone, probably me, will need to educate them on that. I want to be able to make future income on the photos I take. However, they are asking me to represent them as a volunteer out at the parks. So would it be tacky to ask people to sign my release, for my commercial purposes in addition to the parks? And what would be a good way to handle the issue with the County, as since I doing it for free, I don't think I want them to have exclusive licencing, just free usage.


    Thanks in advance!

  10. Hello all,


    I just put up a similar post and then saw this one. I was wondering the same, if anyone had insight to specific ps techniques, I'm not so sure if anyone has totally nailed it? Has anyone gone to one of her workshops? I would love to spend the money and go, but she advertises that her technique is "actually very simple", which makes me worry about spending $1400 for something I could google. I already have an understanding of lighting, posing, colors, etc of fashion photography, and yes I too am putting years into the craft. I would just really love to learn some different photoshop techniques....


    Thank you kindly.

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