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Posts posted by beth_adams

  1. <p>LOL - I'll take dogs and horses over people any day! Thanks for the support you guys - It's a bit lonely surrounded by wedding and family photogs sometimes. Just had a discussion about flash scaring dogs with someone (Santa almost got bit last weekend) and what some options were... they just didn't get the issues around large, shiny or flashing equipment - LOL</p>
  2. <p>OMG - I do cairn terrier rescue, so I've seen just about everything... But lure coursing is the time that I have seen the pure, sheer, unadulterated, totally unabashed joy of a dog. Yea, they love to do lots of other things too, but this is just totally cutting loose.</p>

    <p>Mike - timing does count of course (like I have to know the striding for jumping horses), but speed and the ability to pan well are often underrated. Took a wedding photog friend with me once just because I was sick of hearing it. At our next club meeting, he told them all about how hard it is.</p><div>00b69P-507099584.thumb.jpg.1316fb53e94a0f9564686061c759d377.jpg</div>

  3. <p>Scares the crap out of many many dogs - In fact Santa almost got nailed last weekend. Not to mention that flash (even bounced and diffused) means that dog's eyes are dilated which means the reflection in the back can be a problem as well.<br>

    softboxes and umbrellas do the same thing - scare the run of the mill doggie... and that's what I'm looking for a work-around</p>


  4. <p>I knew I would get a range of opinions, guesses, wishes, but I certainly never thought it was a waste of everyone's time. </p>

    <p>Guess all of you who think I'm an amateur (as noted in classifying the models) would think it is a waste of your time... though I also guess you didn't have any obligation to participate either, huh?</p><div>00b5um-506943684.thumb.jpg.7a148aa451a8d5d0688a206bbc6dbdb1.jpg</div>

  5. <p>I live with the 70-200 2.8 and rent longer lenses when doing a big agility event. Just got press credentials for Westminster, so you might gather how excited I am and how quickly my business is growing only 3 yrs in.<br>

    Thanks everyone for your thinking on this topic.</p>


  6. <p>Anyone hearing anything about any new models?</p>

    <p>I'm in a conundrum. I currently use a D300s as a photographer who does mostly candid animal or animal performance/competition shoots.</p>

    <p>I have seriously considered moving on up the scale into full frame, but don't find the fps to be as good as the D300s without getting into some major moola (which at this point I have to spend on glass). For obvious reasons, I need to be able to shoot very quickly - stopping the action on a greyhound has demands that most of my friends (who are family or wedding photographers) don't understand.</p>

    <p>Any rumors? Any advice/input??</p>

    <p> </p>

  7. <p>I am a candid animal photographer, and while 90% of my work is outside, I do need the flexibility to move inside or have some fill light.<br>

    However, as one might guess, I find flash lighting or the typical studio lighting with softboxes or umbrellas to be a real problem.<br>

    I need something small that I can use on the shoe, or can use a gorilla tripod to hook to something... You get the idea... something that gives me enough light to work at a reasonably low ISO, but that's not *scary* to the animals (or to me - LOL)</p>


  8. <p>My E-500 started acting badly today - doing only what I can guess is having the shutter stick.<br>

    I would get a few perfectly good frames and then a cluster in which the shutter was very very slow (on a bright sunny day) and the photos were all completely blown out....<br>

    Anyone have any idea what this repair might cost ? I have had this camera for about 2 1/2 yrs.<br>


    <p> </p>

  9. I need to have some high quality prints done from my photos.


    They were shot in RAW and are currently at 1200 dpi jpg - and the detail in the shots is very important to me (for

    instance the tiny hairs on the paws of a squirrel)


    I need 8 x 10 but don't want "run of the mill" (ala Snapfish, etc) quality prints.


    Does anyone have any recommendations ?


    Thanks a ton !



  10. I just bought a Tamron 60-300mm (film) lens for use on my E-500 and am really

    enjoying it. I'm getting very good clarity and a lot more distance than I was getting

    with my 40-150mm Zuiko


    However, I still can't reach the bald eagle's nest in my area ....


    Without spending thousands of $$ are there even longer lenses anyone would

    recommend ?


    Or am I doomed to a life of lens envy ??


    Thanks !



  11. I ended up going Peter's route with Contax as the intermediary mount because I was able to get those mounts at about 1/2 the price of OM or any of the other brands.... and price is always an issue for me.


    Anyway, wish me luck ! The bald eagles have hatched and will be fledging in July, so I have a small window to get the hang of this project.



  12. OK - a friend gave me the following equipment to play with and see if I can take

    any decent shots with....


    Tamron SP 60-300mm Davis & Sanford Magnum XT Professional Tripod




    Am I going to need a lens adapter of some kind to match this lens up with my

    evolt-500 ?? I'm going to want a ball head for this tripod, right ??


    Thank you so much - Every word of your responses are built into my learning

    curve !



  13. OK - a friend gave me the following equipment to play with and see if I can take any decent shots with....


    Tamron SP 60-300mm

    Davis & Sanford Magnum XT Professional Tripod




    Am I going to need a lens adapter of some kind to match this lens up with my evolt-500 ??

    I'm going to want a ball head for this tripod, right ??


    Thank you so much - Every word of your responses are built into my learning curve !



  14. From a dummy, not for a dummy.....


    I understand that if I don't mind giving up AF, I can use film camera lenses (with

    the correct adapter)....


    I like to shoot at a distance and need to step up to a longer lens....


    Would this lens work for me ?? any pluses, minuses ??


    Minolta AF 75-300/4-5.6 Tamron LD-Professional Zoom



  15. I need to get a longer lens for my Evolt - The bald eagles are hatching, and I

    just can't reach there - tried a 3x converter on my 40-150mm, to no avail.


    Now here's the question - I need suggestions for lenses which are both

    reasonably priced (or would be if I could find one used) - I don't care if it's

    a direct match or if I need an adapter....


    I'm a relative newbie, so speak simple - Just pretend I'm a blithering idiot.


    Thanks a ton !



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