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Posts posted by sam_ar

  1. Thank you all for your answers, appreciate each and every input. Let me just clarify two things. I am not debating the artistic value of post processing. I am positive I will make use of these techniques before exposing my pics. I just need some references for what can we achieve without. By raw, I meant unaltered and not .raw format. Resizing, cropping, generic denoising, in-camera tonal adjustments (I know that each digital camera have its intrinsic gamma transfer function from CCD to PIC just like every film), and in-camera color mapping and saturation. All those changes are ok and I won't consider them post processing. Even if they are altering the look (to some extent) I know we can't take them out of the chain and hence they don't count for me. No camera pic can reproduce reality anyways... Terry, your pics are true eye opener to what one can do with only a camera. I would love to see similar portfolios...



  2. Hi,


    Photography is something new and very exciting to me. I learned a lot from

    this site and I found the posted pics amazing! the only caveat is we never

    know if the pic is real or it have been altered by graphic softwars. I am

    working on my photography skills and am really interested into looking other

    people raw work (ie no post processing, not even levels and colors). Any input

    on where to look?


    Tkx, Sam.

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