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Posts posted by susan_croft

  1. Everyone ...Thanks for helping!

    Pamela, you are right. I found the PP folder in My Pictures! I had actually looked there yesterday but being in a frazzle just overlooked that folder.

    Now, I am going to uninstall PP .

    Great forum!

  2. Hi William,

    Thanks for responses. I am going to take a chance and uninstall the PP. Yes, I am a windows user...I already checked My Pictures. Nothing.

    Lucky I have two computers to finish my other work without disturbing my crashed files.

  3. I apologize if this question is redundant but I am new to the forum and just

    learning the ropes. Not sure if I hit "post" to send this question before .


    I have transferred photos onto Picture Project for several months now from my

    Nikon D200. Never a problem until yesterday.

    As I was editing the program stopped responding. Message box said it was

    unable to continue, etc.

    I shut down. Rebooted...nothing. Same message box.


    My question is this:

    If I uninstall this PP software will I lose ALL my photo files previously

    transferred into the files of this program?

    Will they be saved and show up when I re-install the PP ? Or will they ALL be

    deleted when I uninstall PP?


    Last night I ran a search on my hard drive looking for a particular file of

    photos. Nothing came up from PP.

    I cannot afford to lose my photos...my bride will not be a happy camper.


    Any help would be MUCH appreciated.


    By the way...I have just gotten Capture NX. Yet to have time to learn it.

    Will definitely NOT use PP again once I get this problem resolved.

  4. I myself just posted a question about transferring photos from my Nikon D200 with Picture Project. It crashed.


    IF I can retrieve all my archieve photo files in PP then I will always use the USB port to transfer my photos from now on.

    Beware of transferring into program software that comes with the camera. I am learning the hard way.


    Does anyone know if I uninstall Picture Project will I lose all my photo files from that software? Will they be regained if I reinstall program again?



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