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Image Comments posted by jenniferadams


    An interesting twist on the long exposure seascape type shot with the blue sky. I like it. The big rock feels a bit cut off on the left, which throws the composition off slightly, that's the one thing that stands out to me.

    Three Chairs


    It looks like you used a strong grad filter on the top. It does make the chairs pop, which may have been your intention, but for me, it would be more seamless if it was toned down.


    I find the photo intriguing otherwise. The landscape itself is a bit generic. Along with the colors of the chairs, it takes you away from the real world. Combined with something included in the landscape, mainly the foreground- changing the pov or adding an additional feature to the foreground- I think it could give it a sense of place, a story, to go along with the surreal feeling, and make the photo all the more interesting. Perhaps the strong contrast between exposure in the foreground and background is why it feels more is required out of the foreground.


    Best regards.

  1. Beautiful scene. A longer exposure, with ND filter if needed, could've smoothed out the water some, perhaps adding to the peaceful mood. And, I think a crop/zoom on the mid to upper right with the fog shrouded trees would look amazing.

    The Four Kings II

    Great photo. Their posture and body language are excellent. Perhaps another object off center somewhere in the background would offset the centered penguins and horizontal layered background.
  2. Very pretty. All the dark area in this photo gives it a unique feel, one I like. It seems in most night photos we light them up, since taking a photograph requires light. But in reality night really is dark. In your photo it is lighter near the horizon, so have probably darkened/underexposed this photo, and that gives it the feeling of true night.
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