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Posts posted by www.roelandebruijn.nl

  1. <p>Hi,</p>

    <p>I am a wedding photographer in the Netherlands. I have shot weddings in Amsterdam before, and can recommend some places to use as location,...<br>

    my url is www.roelanddebruijn.nl. I do travel to weddings too.</p>

    <p>Admin, in case my mentioning my url is violating the policy, i apologize. In this case I feel this is warranted.</p>

  2. <p>I am using FotoFusion. It is an efficient way of creating albums, has almost NO learning curve.<br>

    Problem is: I will probably be switching to Apple, from pc, and as far as I can tell, this means no more FotoFusion for me.<br>

    But if you are a pc user, I'd recommend FotoFusion</p>

  3. <p>I spend most of my marketing on Google, I get a 12% rate of return. Meaning all the money I put in comes 8 times back to me in revenue.<br>

    I have als tried a site that sells leads. I only get a 36% rate of return.<br>

    I am stopping the one, and upping the other.</p>

    <p>Oh, WOM is indeed the best kind of marketing you can do. And it's free. Thanks for the tip about the service website, can you give me a link to a good one, because I am not familiar, with them.</p>

  4. <p>I have been using fotofusion (lumapix). It works very well. Go for the most expansive (not a typo) version. This allows you to create projects.<br>

    The thing I like the most about using dedicated software is that whatever changes printcompanies make to their software I steer clear of a learning curve. Just use lumapix. They change and update their software too, but<br>

    1 I am not forces to update<br>

    2 It is just 1 program to update, I have several albumcompanies, but need to keep on top of just 1 designsoftwaresuite.<br>

    Another big plus is that I have created my own templates. Halving my time to create an album. So I say: go for Lumapix</p>

  5. I use Capture to resize. I just tell the crop tool to give me a set (by me) standard. i.e. 5:4 or 18:12 or whatever. I then drag the crop tool to the right plaze, and size. This could give you all you need.The aspect ratio you want, and the size of the crop.


    Or am I missing something here?

  6. <p>I love the series. Yes to some they are unflattering. As a series this stands out. Really rather good.<br>

    I started out reading all of the comments, but since they were openly hostile and there were a lot of them, I just went ahead and posted what I feel looking at those portraits.<br>

    They are 'honest' 'real' and radically different from standard political shots. If this is the standard for your driver's licence shot, I need to come to the states and have mine done over there.</p>

  7. <p>I have a couple of favorites. Two that stand out as being situated perfectly, and perfect weather. But a third one was exceptionally warm (emotion not heat) , bride had lost both her parents at quite a young age, and her aunt had taken her in. During speeches much was said and many a tear was shed in remembrance of her parents. But it did not become a tearfest, there was laughter and at the party some fantastically dressed people.<br>

    Warm, welcoming, and I was there for the weekend, which for me added tremendously to the emotianel appeal. Amazing</p>


  8. <p>Most of my brides come to me via my website and thus via email. They seldom add their phone number when enquiring after my prices. If a phone number is given, I off course phone them and try to arrange a meeting to show albums.<br>

    When no phone number is supplied, I want to send my packages so brides shopping for price know whether I fit in their budget or not. No time wasted for me or them.</p>

  9. <p>Thanks for the information. I am going to use packages to help 'educate' customers as to what to expect from me pricewise. They can derive my style and quality from my site, but whithout a price to quote them I am going to be inundated with brides who are shopping fro prices. This way they can get a quick look at my prices, know I am willing to work with them on the right package.<br>

    This prevents me having to go to 200 brides and being too expensive in 50 % of the cases. This selection can now take place earlier in the process, without me investing a lot of time. That is what I want the pakages to do.<br>

    So I want mid to high quality brides and their budgets, and my pricing is just one way to filter out the low budget bride. Quality of work and websites and referrals off course being the number 1, 2 and 3 most important.</p>

  10. <p>I have a D300, it is brilliant. Better (much) then the D200 I also own. People just want to own the best and newest toys. It is NAS (I have/ad it too)<br>

    Magnificent camera. Handle the D300 and the D90, to see which feels better in your hands. Take in consideration in what way you will travel. Walking around, maybe the lighter D90 is the way to go, shooting sports, action in low lighting and dirty environment: D300.<br>

    Good luck</p>

  11. <p>Thanks to all that replied with meaningfull answers. I'll think about silver-gold-platinum, didn't think about starting with silver instead of bronze, makes it sound better doesn't it.<br>

    Comprehesive, super-comprehensive don't translate to Dutch. Good idea in English, not so in Dutch.<br>

    I need packages because brides are shopping prices. Instead of creating one-offs for every bride with packages I show what price range I am in. I state specifically that every package can be adjusted to suit their needs and wants.</p>

  12. <p>Hello all,<br>

    Appreciate any help you can offer. It is only a small matter, but I cannot think of the right answer. As of january I will be offering 3 packages to brides. (Up from just 1 with no name.)<br>

    I need a name for these packages, but I think that names like: bronze, silver, gold, devaluate the base package. Who would buy bronze when I also offer silver and gold. Everybody wants gold, right, but not everybody can afford gold, therefore I have 3 packages in the first place. So some brides will move on, to somebody who offers their highest package at an affordable price.<br>

    So I need a name, which doesn't scream there are 3 levels of service, mostly because there aren't.<br>

    I find names such as pearl and diamant to be a bit too romantic for the market I am in,... Package I II and III are just a bit plain.<br>

    Who can give me any pointers on this? Thanks in advance</p>

  13. The problem is not whether geotagging makes it easier to search for the perfect kid to pounce upon, the problem is the fact that there are predators out there that search out children.


    Will they use geotagging to target children. Maybe/ probably. Will they let the unavailibilty of geotagged photos stop them. No, most definitily not. It hasn't stopped so far. Predators are out there, and alas will always be out there. Geotagging photos will not increase the amount of pervs out there.


    Raise the awareness in your child, stop fretting about scenarios like this.

  14. Both O.P. and Nico Lilien talk about shallow depth of field with the 50 1.8. While this can be an issue it is not the primary problem with this lens when shooting architecture.


    On a crop camera the 50 will 'act' like a 75/85 (depending on brand of camera) lens. Architecture is typically shot with a wide lens. Therefore the suggestion of one poster for the 10-20 Sigma. I do not know this lens, so cannot say anything about is, but the wideness of it is appealing for architecture.


    Check out your equipment on architecture near you, before you go on a trip.

  15. Depends on what he wants? If he is into artistic shots of books you need to play with depth of field, if het just wants a catalog shot of all his books, you need to use smaller apertures (large numbers) to get everything in focus.


    Use a tripod. Look for a good place to place the books. Set up tripod. Take test shot, set camera to manual, with right setting. Leave camera alone for rest of shoot. Bring books one by one to the right place.Shoot.


    The tripod will ensure tack sharp photo's, since books tend to not move of their own accord, a tripod is the number 1 tool you will need for this job, (and your camera off course). Hope this helps

  16. What I would do if color balance was doing this to me?


    - Start shooting raw, auto white balance (WB)

    - Shoot your heart out

    - Fix wb in post. (Use capture nx2, or other raw converter.)


    This wil lead to --> no missed moments because of wb-fiddling AND a better understanding of what WB does to the

    color in your photo.


    When fixing in post, which is an easy fix using raw, make note of what wb is giving pleasant results. Try to match up

    Kelvin values with shooting conditions. So shooting outside at noon and using 4300 Kelvin as Wb will give me

    pleasant results, while 5000 Kelvin is way to red, and 2300 is way too blue.


    Shooting inside, 5500 Kelvin. Overcast, 5300 Kelvin, etc.


    Later on this will give you a comprehensive set of numbers for which to set your WB when out shooting. Since you

    will still shoot in raw, you can always fix WB.


    No doubt about it, fluorescents will always be an issue. Mixed lighting with fluorescents are tough. Try to kill some of

    the mixed lighting, i.e shut curtains, or kill fluorescents light.


    Apart from mixed lighting, EVERY wb issue is easily fixable shooting raw.


    1 So start out shooting raw.



    2 Learn about wb fixing you shots in post,


    3 Then move on to jpg shooting when you know you can get the shot right in camera (or keep on using raw because

    of the latitude it gives in wb and exposure)

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