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Posts posted by greg_morrow

  1. 21mm Zeiss Distagon, after two years of limited gentle use the CPU failed. Moving the locked on the D800 body lens slightly

    sideways makes it work.To repair, I need to send it from Australia to Germany. The job to replace the CPU takes 10 minutes...

    Not happy....

  2. <p >Scott, I had the same problem - couldn't remove the ring. The lens serial #241602.</p>

    <p >I asked a repair specialist to unscrew the five screws - he did it for free. He put a tiny drop of some liquid onto each screw in order to unlock them (you should research what kind of a liquid is being used, probably acetone), waited 10-15 seconds and unscrewed them. Two of the screws needed a lot of strength to unscrew. He told me that the screwdrivers should be of high quality, otherwise you will strip the screw head . He paid $45 for each one. The best way for you, I think, to do the same-offer $10 to a specialist. Next, unscrew two tiny screws on the side of the ring, remove the ring. <strong ></strong></p>

    <p >Now about the conversion kits- I was advised by Pacific Rim Camerashop <a href="http://www.pacificrimcamera.com/catalog/ch73.htm">www.pacificrimcamera.com/catalog/ch73.htm</a> owner that I need to try one of the three conversion kits #71, 72 and 73 . It’s impossible to know which kit you need without trying. He said I probably need kit #71 but they didn’t have it. He told me that kit #72 very often fits nicely. I was offered kits#72 and 73 for the price of one -$25. To my surprise both of them fit. </p>

    <p >When you unscrew the screws you should vacuum clean the lens in order to remove all dust and metal particles fallen from the threads (I noticed quite a lot of them). Then smile.</p>


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