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Image Comments posted by akinliat



    This was a spur-of-the-moment experiment that resulted in what Ican only describe as a happy accident.

    The form above was in the original capture (hence the happy accident),and I just tried to enhance contrast and visibility, but I would loveto hear any ideas on what else I might have done, or evenwhat less.

    Any thoughts or comments would be appreciated.



    You know, Nathan, I thought about what you said, so I tried desaturating the image to see it as a B&W. It doesn't work nearly as well for me, though. It did point up a potential compositional point -- I noticed that when destaurated, the lower trunk got lost in the the treeline. A lower camera angle would correct that without sacrificing too much (other than the shadow on the left). The colors serve the same function, jsut not quite as well. It's still a great shot -- the textures along the trunk are fantastic and the color really does add just a little touch of surrealism.



    This is a panoramic shot assembled from three portrait-oriented

    sections. I was trying for a bit more detail. Let me know what you

    think and thanks for taking a look.

  1. Very inviting. It needs to be viewed large, though, or maybe cropped just a bit tighter. When I first looked I couldn't make out details, but when viewed full-size my mouth actually started watering (I think it was the figs). Great capture of the feel.

    Near Orciano

    I'd say deceptively simple. The more I look at it, the more little details I notice -- there is a wonderfully layered look to it as well as some fantastic dappled lighting. Truly beautiful.


    A great treatment of the subject. Excellent composition. With the exception of those unfortunately-placed power lines (or is that editing?), an almost perfect shot.
  2. It's good, just not as good as a number of your other architectural shots. I think maybe it would benefit from an extreme wide-angle lens to exaggerate some of the curves and maybe also a position closer to the floor. Still, good work.
  3. Giovanni, I'm sorry, but I simply can't agree. Images such as this can play a tremendous role in shaping the way that we view the world, and as such, deserve attention not only from the general public, but also from those of us here who may be able, no matter how little, to help make them more effective.


    As far as Roland's motivation in posting here, I should think it quite obvious -- he has an image that he feels worth making better, and he would like our opinion on how that might be done. That is, after all, what critique is all about.


    To that end, let me say, Roland, that I find the reflection of the room lights on the jar distracting from the focus of the image. I'm not sure if they are deliberate, unavoidable, or simply unnoticed, but anything you might do to de-emphasize them would be helpful.


    Taken as a whole, the this really is stunning, though. I would offer my congratulations if it didn't seem somehow inappropriate to do so. I will offer my thanks for having the courage both to post this and walk into that room in the first place.





    This is stitched together from three shots -- I tried to crop it to

    make it more interesting (moving the flower off-center and making the

    image more rectangular). Thanks for any comments/critiques!



    This is a recropped version of another shot (previous in portfolio). I

    also tried a square crop (next image in the portfolio). I think that

    I like this one best, but it still seems like it's missing something.

    Thanks for any critique/commentary!

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