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Posts posted by jayanti

  1. <p>I am finding two anomalies.<br>

    One, the average rating below the picture doesn't match the rating of the same shown in the folder, when seen with 'show details' option. Often the rating below the picture is lower than the one in my folder. Is this discrepancy due to 'below 3' ratings?<br>

    Second, the user's rating site of my account does not always show the photographs that I rated highest. Is this deliberate on behalf of PN or just slowness of updating?</p>

  2. <p>Comes as a complete shock - David Orea was one of those whose gentle personality always reflected through his comments. A very talented and supportive member of PN. If we who knew him only through PN, miss him so much, his close ones must be shattered. A hard to forget person - my heartfelt condolences to his family. </p>
  3. <p>I am a non-subscriber. With the new upload system, I can upload larger sized photos. Does it have any effect on the number of photographs I may submit? I mean, if I post larger images, does it lower the number of allowed images ? </p>
  4. <p>Open your photo. Click on Photo admin tab below your photo; then go to Edit Image Info. That will open the original dialogue box you used for uploading the photo. Put your caption in the caption box, and click 'submit changes' at the bottom of the dialogue box. Done. </p>
  5. <p>I have experienced teh same, and now I look less at the Critique forum than before. Anyway, when I do, I use mozilla as browser, open all iamges that interest me in separate tabs from a given page (which means I am usually not interested in more than 4-5 images in one lot) , and then go through them one by one.</p>
  6. <p>Les, One can write a handbook on psychology of rating from this site. You started the game when you put All photos all time with 'Aesthetics'. Put all photos all time with average rating, and you will meet your semi-nude and nude sooner enough. And put 'recent ratings average ..... and God bless you. Seems, people prefer to give high rating to nudes anonymously ....., any comment to this super-ego stuff?<br /> From whatever I have noticed, when the moderators (or is it really a computer ) place an image on daily sampling or main photo gallery, number of views are probably more important than rating. And of course simple rating does not seem to matter in the least for POW. So let's relax and learn.</p>
  7. <p>Thank you so much, everybody. I am overwhelmed by the in-depth and detailed technical information I get from all of you in response to my question. Michael, I opened Bayer's portfolio and dwelt over it for an hour. Truly amazing. Jack and Steven, thank you for the rich information you have provided. Steven , I browsed the site you have stated, could not grasp the whole of it yet; I'll return to you shortly. Bueh and Stephen, thank you for your advise.<br>

    What I understand in sum is that, I need to go to Manual mode (which I did, but stuck to auto focus), I also kept it with bulb speed, and at ISO 400. But I did not go for medium aperture, manual focus and fixed length as suggested by Steven and Jack. I also did not adjust white balance and shot JPEG.<br>

    Bueh, unfortunately I cannot go immediately for taking another star trail photograph, as I went to some rural area, and now I am back to my old polluted city, where the stars have long since abandoned us. I will get back with the product of my attempt as soon as I can. I cannot thank you enough, friends.</p>


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