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Posts posted by timharper56

  1. <p>This one of my favorite shots. An early morning Flagstaff image. The original sky was dead, hardly any color. The sides of the building were dark, with wet streets. I replaced the sky,and using the dodge tool worked on the signs and bicycles. On each image I used the noice reduction and noise/luminance. The photo (maybe degraded jpeg) has a painterly look to it. Not quite a photo and not quite a painting.<br>

    It juts glows hanging on my wall.<br>

    Tim Harper</p><div>00Twfm-154989584.jpg.0860f1368250b765b47efd1ddbc81e34.jpg</div>

  2. <p>Edward, thank you for straightening me out on the differences. I had indeed gotten them confused. I am using a 16bit/channel when I convert raw to Tiff. I have just purchased DVD's to burn files for my client.<br>

    Again thank you for your help.<br>


  3. <p>Good morning,<br>

    I am a photographer who left the bz when it went digital. I am now back at it and have been spending much time learning the basics of digital. Using Lightroom and a Nikon D80. I had my first paying job 2 days ago. I shot both RAW and jpeg. Was it necessary? Also the RAW is much flatter and colorless until I process than the jpeg. The use is for magazine pub.<br>

    I need help on all, but the real question is I'm converting my procesed images to Tiff. for publication. I have 25, 10 meg. files saved to a folder. Should be 250 meg. Right? However when I try to burn on standard disc the "info" on the folder says it's 1.68 gig. What gives? And any suggested solutons.<br>

    Thanks Tim</p>

  4. I want to thank you all for your very helpful and informative answers. With a 320 gig. external drive I've transfered all photo's. Kept Lightroom on my Mac and import/export as needed. I've been in film for over 20 years, but this is still and will be a long learning experience. (So I'm in school). One problem that seems to persist, even after transfer to the external and deleting what was on the internal ( I have a 4 plug USB that's new) my computer is running a little slower. I've moved and deleted more than a gig of images. Not a big problem, but I thought it would become faster.

    Again thanks for your suggestions.


  5. Hello folks,

    I am working on my roomates mini-Mac. and have Lightroom installed. Works fine.

    However I recently purchased a Nikon D80 and will be using RAW and jpeg combo. When I purchase an external

    hardive (250 gb) will I/should I transfer Lightroom and it's contents to the external before I began using the

    D80 with Raw files? And work exclusively from the external to free up the mini mac?

    Thanks for your help.


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