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Posts posted by michael_lewis11

  1. For anyone reading this who is considering buying into this system, let me just say that I have since replaced the ZD Back with a Phase One P20+ (16MP instead of 22MP) and I could not be happier. The images are simply better on the Phase One. I've been able to enlarge them up to 40 inches by 40 inches (the largest I've tried) and they look amazing. It also completely outperforms in low light and long exposures. Also, the ZD was slow and would always lock-up mid shooting and I would have to turn the camera off and start everything up again - very annoying and a little embarrassing when shooting in studio with models and crew around. Anyway, the Phase One is a dream. Everything you could want when spending that kind of money. Like driving a real sports car instead of a fancy looking kit car. That's my two cents.
  2. The problem is, I see a noticeable green tint on the edge of all of my photos, even without adjusting the contrast. I previously owned a 5D and I never had this problem. It seems to be a trait of the ZD system, this being my second ZD Back and the problem persisting. I can look at the RAW files from my 5D side by side with the Mamiya ZD files and easily spot the green tint on the Mamiya files only. Nobody, including Mamiya, seems to be able to explain it. What I really want to do is try a Phase One back and see if the problem persists.
  3. I understand the black and white will totally go to extremes and produce an ugly image but that greenish colour on the left side shouldn't be there, right? It should just be a very black and white image. I am getting a consistent greenish colour on the left side of all of my photos and I can't understand why. I am less concerned with the vignetting and more concerned about the colour cast. Thanks again for your input, it really is helpful.
  4. I think the most important thing when starting out is to get qualified people to help you. Use a good makeup artist, a stylist (to make sure the clothes look good), and a knowledgeable assistant to help you place your lights and generally troubleshoot with you. Also, make sure you have a clear idea of the types of shots you want going in so everyone is on the same page. It's okay to reference other photos as a starting place but don't be afraid to let it take you somewhere else. Other than that, you just have to act as quality control and know when it's working and when it isn't and hopefully, why.
  5. Hello, I am new to the Mamiya 645 afd II system with the ZD back but all of my

    images have a greenish colour cast on the left hand side. The effect is subtle

    but still very annoying. It covers maybe 1/8th of the frame. I had my original

    back replaced because of this problem but the new back seems to have the same

    problem. Anyone else out there experience something similar or any ideas as to

    what might be the cause? I am starting to think a light leak of some kind but

    really I don't know. Thanks a lot in advance for any suggestions.<div>00OtJX-42467084.jpg.3b0b0528a4c0e8d95eb229b401b97c41.jpg</div>

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