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Posts posted by brian_vuillemenot

  1. <p> Hello,<br>

    I bought a 7D from an E-Bay seller that was advertised as having a full USA warranty. However, the camera came with no warranty card. I talked to the seller on the phone, and he didn't have much of an explanation but claimed that Canon sometimes doesn't put in warranty cards if the camera is sold below their minimum price. Sounds like a crock to me! He claimed that it was a full USA warrantied camera, not grey market, and the serial number is consistent with cameras made for the US market (with an AA after the number, rather than JAP for Japan, CHIN for China, etc.). He also said that the store would honor the full US warranty for a period of one year, and that I could get a full refund or exchange if anything goes worng with the camera.<br>

    I've already used the camera a fair amount, and everything seems working fine with the camera, so I don't want to send it back. Is there any explanation for why an expensive camera for Canon would be sold without a warranty card? What serial number designations are put on Canon cameras destined for the US market? Any thoughts or advice? Thanks!</p>

  2. The same thing happened to my Fuji G617 a few years ago. The shutter blades got stuck and the whole shutter had to be replaced. At the time, the counter read 155, which is only 1550 firings of the shutter- Fuji recommends maintenance every 5000 firings. Fortunately, there's a repairman in town who could do it for me; I had sent the camera back to Fuji to have the film transport mechanism fixed earlier, which cost quite a bit and took several months. I think I payed around $300 for the new shutter and installation- not cheap. The technician told me to keep it out of dusty conditions, since the dust got in there and caused the blades to get stuck. That's not easy here in New Mexico- dust and wind are all over the place! In general, I'm not thrilled with the durability of the Fuji G617- it's a great lens stuck on a cheap fragile plastic body. Good luck with yours!<div>009GHQ-19319684.jpg.d003720ba84a5c9a8ee208b09772b01f.jpg</div>
  3. Hi Benjamin,


    I've been wondering the same thing about shooting slide film in an 8X20 camera. Aparently, Kodak makes 9 and a half inch arial films in two different speeds: Aerochrome II MS (ASA 32) and Aerochrome II HS (ASA 125). They are available from Carlick Imaging (http://www.carlick.merchant.cart.net) and B&H. I really know absolutely nothing about the properties of these films; this is just from an internet search. If you try them in your 7X17, let us know how it works out, as I would like to shoot slide film in an 8X20 someday!

  4. Wow, you must be loaded if you bought the SS XL 110 on impulse! The two lenses I use most are the SS XL 110 and the Apo Sironar-S 150. Although I will probably open myself to attack for saying this, in my side by side comparisons on the light box I would have to say the 150 Apo Sironar S is sharper. It may be splitting hairs, but it is noticeable. Of course, they are both top notch lenses, and you just can't go wrong with either.
  5. Hi Ian,


    Yes, I can unscrew the front lens element from the camera, but the rear element is behind the shutter, and can't be removed. I am pretty sure the the amount of money (and energy)it would cost to adapt it to fit on a 4X5 would be more than just buying the lens in the first place. If you like the SW 105 f8 lens, you can buy it unmounted to put in a lensboard to use on your 4X5. However, the Fujinon 105mm CM-W will also work for 4X5, and it's considerably less expensive. Good luck, and let us know how it works out!

  6. Ian,


    I own the GW617, and was wondering the same thing myself- if I could take off the 105 SW f8 lens for use on my 4X5. Although the lens would work fine for the format, and can be purchased separately, it is permanently attached to the camera. You could not take it off without ruining the camera, and then you would have to modify it to fit on your 4X5. I would recommend just buying a lens of that focal length for your 4X5 (the Fuji CM-W 105 is a good deal; if you can afford it, go for the Schneider SS XL 110). I went with the SS XL 110, and am very happy.

  7. Thanks for your responses, but I specifically want a 6X12 back. I shoot a lot of 6X17 with my Fuji, but it is very difficult to handle both the 4X5 and 6X17 cameras in the field. If I can get a roll film back, that would be much easier, and allow me to use more lenses. I also want to use roll film, and with the volume of panoramics I shoot, it would be cost effective. Has anyone used the Horseman back or the one from Shen-Hao?
  8. Hello all,


    I am interested in obtaining a 6X12 roll film back to do panoramic

    photography with my Wisner Technical Field. I am considering the

    Horseman back, but that would require getting a Graflock back for my

    Wisner. Has anyone done this- how much would this cost, and were can

    I get one? Alternatively, I am considering picking up a Shen-Hao

    (which I could also use as a backup 4X5) and a 6X12 roll film back

    for it. This would not cost significantly more than the Horseman and

    the new back for the Wisner. Does anyone have any experience with

    the Shen-Hao 6X12 back? Thanks for your advice!

  9. Hello,


    Have any of the View Camera subscribers out there not yet received

    their July/August issue? Mine has not yet made it to my mailbox, and

    I remember it being discussed on the forum last week. I called the

    magazine, but they really couldn't tell me much- they just said to

    call back in a couple weeks if I hadn't received it yet. Aren't

    magazines supposed to come out by the date on the magazine, if not


  10. Hello,


    I am heading to Boise later this month to visit a friend, and we

    are planning on doing a circle tour, possibly stopping at Craters of

    the Moon, hiking in the Sawtooths, and Hell's Canyon. Would anyone

    who's been to these places like to comment on the photographic

    opportunities that exist, or make recommendations of their own?


  11. Hello all,


    I just got back some Velvia 4X5s that I sent off for processing. A

    couple of the tranparencies (of course, two of my favorites) had

    small water streaks on them, presumambly from uneven processing. Is

    there anything I can do to remove these marks? Should I just send

    them back to the lab? Thanks for your advice.

  12. I try to stick to areas in the middle of nowhere that are usually void of people. When people do make an appearance, I just think really negative thoughts and project negative energy in their direction. It almost always works.
  13. Hello all,


    I've been using a Fuji quickload holder that I bought new about a

    year ago and have put around 120 sheets of Velvia through it.

    Although most have been fine, on the last batch of five sheets that I

    shot over the weekend, I noticed a diagonal, 2 centimeter by 0.5

    centimeter light leak extending from the top left (near the code

    notch) into the frame ( the bottom right of the holder). This

    affected 2 out of the five sheets, which were consecutive shots. I

    also noticed a redish-orange mark that looks like it was caused by

    the metal clip that holds the envelope together. I noticed this also

    on two consecutive sheets that I shot a few months ago, but have shot

    quite a few in between with no problem. Any idea what's causing

    this? Could the envelopes be bad? Perhaps the holder? (I tested it

    visually by inserting a sheet outside the camera, and it appears

    fine). Am I be careless or sloppy when inserting the envelopes? Or

    perhaps the people processing the film are being careless? Thanks

    for you advice!

  14. Hello Ron Wisner and forum users,


    If you read this, Ron, I am still waiting on the lensboards, bag bellows, and fresnel lens that I ordered at the end of November. I can understand a specialty camera taking a long time to make, but a 4 X 4 inch piece of wood with a hole in it? I consider myself a pretty patient person, but I have a big trip planned to Big Bend in three weeks and I really want to use my 75mm Grandagon! Ron also told me several times in the last few months over the phone that it would go out "by the end of the week". What's the deal? The cameras are great, but how can anyone use them if they can't get accessories?

    -Brian Vuillemenot

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