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Posts posted by andy_templeton

  1. <p>Isadora, going to college is great but my comment earlier about studying something besides Photojournalism is still a good idea.<br>

    The future for jobs in Photojournalism is not good. A college degree isn't much more then a line or two on your resume. Not a good trade off for four years of your life.<br>

    If you want a job in Photojournalism find a place that will let your get your foot in the door. A small daily or weekly newspaper. Take every small, crappy, late night, no fun, stupid, assignment they give you and give 120%. Go beyond what is asked. Take chances creatively. Research and produce your own photo stories. You don't have to chase breaking news in some third world country to get good photos. Good pictures and stories are everywhere. Get to know as many people as you can. Be a good person to have around. Develop a style. Study what other photographers are doing. Ask a lot of questions. People will be happy to answer. Keep learning. Don't take it personal when photographers with more experience criticize your work. Have a great attitude, no whining! <br>

    If and when a job or internship comes up, attitude, experience, friends, and a portfolio will go 1000 times farther any amount of formal education.<br>

    The best tasting fruit is always highest in the trees. Getting a job in Photojournalism is a going to be a very hard climb.<br>

    Good luck!</p>

  2. <p>Isadora, Photojournalism is a tough field. I went to CSUF and went on to work at O.C.Register (hugh, do I know you?) I learned more at a 2 year college. Study political science and just take pictures. A portfolio will develop. Photograph things you are interested in. I shot a lot of high school sports for pennies and now try for corporate clients.<br>

    Check out my web site atempletonphoto.com</p><div>00WPVt-242265584.jpg.d18622ce89fb23bc82ec1c57643fe748.jpg</div>

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