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Image Comments posted by caribsurf

  1. Did not realise that you were on this site. Did you abandon DP? Regarding this image, you have the classic photo.net blurred/doubling on the pelican at small size that dissapears on opening the image full size. It is a function of the file size loaded and I have had problems with this as well. Unfortunately, I think people look at the image, see the blurring and do not open it, thinking it is not worth viewing. Best regards Stephen

    Washed Ashore

    This image would really come to life by using an Ultra Wide Angle lens at a Focal Length eqivalent to 16 or 17mm and shooting the image really close up to the boat. Stephen


    Your image lacks in dynamic range and needs correction to the geometry (the right hand side of the building appears to lean inwards). You have a dust spot in the blue sky 2/3 up the frame. Hope that this is helful as it is meant to be. Regards Stephen
  2. Nice subject matter but there are a couple of technical issues associated with this image:


    (1) The Geometry needs correcting as the water in the background appears to be flowing down a slope from left to right. This is easily corrected if you use DxO software. The image needs tipping either forward or backwards and the horizon straightened.

    (2) Fair bit of noise is apparent in the sky. Has the image been Tone Mapped?


    Regards Stephen


    I would have been tempted to get much closer to the stump with that lens @ f/13 and really captured the detail and textures of the wood. On my monitor, it looks as though a bit more saturation would not go amiss. I really like HDR as a technique and this would potentially have been the way to produce a stunning image. Try it sometime. Regards Stephen


    Nice composition but begging to disagree with Pierre, I think that a punchier image would be more likely to be noticed. You can never please everyone and you obviously like it this way or you would not have posted it. Regards Stephen
  3. Like the conversion but I might have been tempted to keep the symmetry of the columns and lost the extreme right hand side even though the chairs would then not be central. The extreme left of the frame as it stands, draws one's attention to the vertical being out of true. This issue is very, very easy to correct in DxO by simply tipping the frame forward or backward. Hope this all helps and is not perceived as being too negative. Regards Stephen
  4. Thanks for the explanation Anthony. Ihave removed several images because of this artifact as Iassumed that it was a processing problem. I have a Photostream on Flickr and cannot say I have noticed this problem on that site. At least I now know what the issue is. Regards Stephen
  5. Nice composition. You have got the same issue with this image that I have come across when posting some of mine i.e. a halo effect (clearly visible around the top of the tower which disappears once the frame is open fully. I post images from a Canon EOS 40 D and a Canon EOS 5D. The issue seems to arise more often from the 40D sourced images. Do you, or anyone else have an explanation? Best regards Stephen


    Nice positioning of the tree against the skyline but very murky. It looks as though it is a Crop of an image that is about x5 the size of the file posted and you have run out of pixels. Stephen
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