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Image Comments posted by ed_berman5


    Is it just me thinking that the face of the woman is totally in the shadow? Her posture is not really expressing any emotion and the overall setting of the picture is not saying much. It's not enough just to take picture of a stranger, it has to be a good picture. This one is not saying much...




    Technically (in terms of lighting) this picture is better save for the black blob in the lower right corner. Are the swans swiming in the fountain? your picture might've benefited if you stepped back to put them into envioronment. The trees in the background are cluttered and do not help overall composition. What attracted you in the scene and why do you think this is a good picture? Just an idea: swans are swimming in the fountain, camera held horizontally, you are standing close to the fountain with a wide-angle on the camera, one swan comes close to you to fill the foreground (may be even looking into the camera), another one is in the background curving its neck. The whole scene is lit with soft sunlight (sunrise or sunset) filtering through the branches of a tree nearby. Tastes vary, but for me that would be a better picture.



    The swans need more breathing room, the crop is too tight. On the other hand, the band of green at the top does nothing for the picture. You should've added some fill flash to lighten two birds on the foreground. The middle part of the image is too busy.
  1. Nice snapshot but the background is very busy. Can use some cropping on the left. Pictures of people taken in the middle of the day usually come out better with a fill flash. Might work better in color.



    Another vote for cropping. The boy does need space just not that much. I would crop at the top and on the right. Some dodging on the left might help, TriX is very forgiving for dodging. Have you considered printing split contrast? The boy got good contrast grade, but the rest of the image may be bumped up a notch. Some sepia toning might be beneficial.


    Great image by the way.

  2. I like this picture but think some cropping at the top might improve composition. I would've left picture as is if you had several clouds, but a block of black at the top doesn't do much for the image. With the top chopped off, the picture will become a nice panoramic. Good use of people to enhance the photograph, nice layering of mountains. Well done.


    yes, colors are good but overall image shows no direction. Would be better if shot with longer focal length to show less of the tree (or just come closer). Alternatively, could use a wide angle lens to include more of the tree for a totally different image.
  3. Since you asked for suggestions, significantly increase exposure time and try to include something else to place the tower into environment. Your picture is lacking point of interest and is not making any statement.
  4. Nice central composition, good colors. Horizon is not leveled and foreground does nothing for the composition. Both can be fixed easily by cropping.

    Image would've been stronger if shot few minutes earlier with the full sun directly behind the tree. At least half the sun. Or few minutes later when the sun is behind horizon, would also enhance colors.

  5. Nice image but missing the punch. A wide angle

    scenic would benefit from a central point of interest, like if you could move *significantly* closer to people by the shore. You could either use a telephoto from where the same location, or WA but move closer. The blue color works well.

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