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Posts posted by john_otway

  1. <p>This is to get an opinion from professional / serious photographers on the feasibility of Canon or Nikon producing a medium format camera in the US$ 8000.00 range ( body only ) with the following features:-<br>

    On the lens, an iso ring with settings from 100 to 800, f-stop ring and shutter speed ring.<br>

    In the body, a light meter and split screen focusing. That's it...no other frills.</p>

  2. <p>Tim,<br>

    I don't quite inderstand what you mean by " the extra steps ", but the meter allows you to choose between a) EV b) shutter priority, with aperture being constantly updated, and, conversely c) apperture priority, with shutter speed being updated.<br>

    There are three metering methods:- spot, integral ( centre-weighted ) and incident.<br>

    Battery life is good. The whole thing weighs about 1lb.<br>

    Hope this helps.</p>

  3. <p>Hello,<br>

    The PME45 ( metered ) viewfinder instructions stipulate that on changing lenses the max. aperture of the lense must be entered. However, if one is using f11 as a fixed aperture, is it really necessary to do this?</p>

  4. Why are medium format digital backs as expensive as they are?

    Canon have produced an entire camera with a 21.1 megapixel resolution for

    $8,000.00 Surely the mf back manufacturers must see the advantages of producing

    a 25 ( at least )mp back within a cost range of $5-6,000.00, with adapters to

    allow use on any medium format camera ever produced.

    Apologies if this is an ignorant question, but it's something I've often

    wondered about.

  5. My SWC ( with synchro-compur lens )is misbehaving. It's been in storage for two

    years, and in trying it out yesterday the following is happening:

    1)Shutter and aperture rings are very stiff when uncoupled.

    2)Shutter speed appears to work well from 1/500 down through 1/60, but 1/15

    opens for about 1 1/2 seconds...1 second stays open for anything between 21

    seconds to 57 seconds.

    I need to use it next week. Will working the aperture/shutter rings

    independently for a prolonged period loosen it up, or will it do more harm than

    good; similarily the shutter speeds?

    I need depth of field, so can't confine the speeds to 1/30 and higher.

  6. Excellent.

    Am I right in assuming that the cable connection you refer to is the lens to back connection?

    Would appreciate if you'd bear with me for a minute, as have a few more questions.

    1) Cannot find anything in Phase One's downloads about a mask for the SWC finder. Would you know if one exists.

    2) In changing the back from horizontal to vertical format ( with the mask under the viewfinder screen also having to be adjusted )on the 500 EL/M, how does this affect the additional din connector to back cord that's required.

  7. There's also a distinct difference in metering ( TTL )between the Acute Matte and Acute Matte D. If using the PME45, it's recommended that exposure should be increased by 1/3 to 2/3 EV for lenses with max.aperture 5.6 or larger, and, conversely, reduced by the same ratio for lens of max.aperture of f/8 or smaller if using the Acute Matte ( matrix metering )while the Acute Matte D requires no adjustments.


    I've been trying out the PM45 (VFC-6) recently and found that in using the Acute Matte D the ASA rating ( using 100 ASA film )has to be set at 50, while using the Acute Matte the rating set to 25.

  8. My predicament is this: I have two PME45 metered viewfinders, and have always used the aperture priority setting with shutter speed constantly being updated. One of the finders has developed a problem in that the display only gives the last digit for aperture, i.e. 5.6 reads 6, 2.8 reads 8, 4 reads as nothing. I have subsequently bought a second hand PM45 metered viewfinder which only gives an EV readout. On testing the PM45, the EV value at 100 ASA, 2.8, using the 80mm 2.8, set at 2.8 on the aperture ring, gives me a reading ( when the shutter ring is rotated to the corresponding EV value )which varies significantly from the metered value given by both PME45's. To get the same value with the PM45, I've had to adjust the film speed to one " click " short of 25ASA, maintaining the 2.8 aperture. This applies also to the 250mm 5.6 lens doing the same test. Hence my initial question on the aperture setting.
  9. Dear Mr. Ingold,

    Thank you for your answer. I'm afraid I may not have explained myself properly....should the aperture ring be set at 2.8 prior to moving either the aperture or shutter speed rings ?

    Similarly, on using the 250mm 5.6 lens, should the aperture ring be set to 5.6 prior to moving etc...

    Again, thank you for the response,

    John Otway

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