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Image Comments posted by sarahbeth1




    It is wonderful to hear from you again. I have been told in the past that I tend to isolate my subjects too much. I'm still working on that. I may have another shot that is not as isolated. I'll check and see.

    Thanks again, Sarah



    Tom, thank you. I like the wide angle look. I've been trying it out alot and learning how to approach subjects with it. I agree that mid-day was not ideal. I'm back in the states for vacation and grandma' was babysitting- I take it when I can get it!


    Les, You are absolutely right. I played around with the adjustments and it came out much better. I was trying to keep the deep color in the sky, but it wasn't worth losing details to shadows. Thank you, Sarah




    My husband and I found this old caboose in a farm field while driving one

    day. I just purchased my wide angle lense and found it a great

    opportunity to try it out. Any critiques and suggestions for improvement

    will be greatly appreciated.



    My husband and I happened to spot an old caboose in the backyard of

    a farmhouse. My brave better half asked the farmer if we could

    photograph it. He gave us permission and to my suprise I found this old

    international truck wasting away behind the barn. The farmer dismissed

    it as a "long story." But, I was delighted to find it.


    The angle of this shot is perfect. I love the lines and detail in the rusted structure. The lighting is fantastic. A wonderful photograph of urban decay!


    I love the intensity of this photo. He looks so indifferent and the eyes burn right through me. It says to me that he doesn't care for this women who is fading from his thoughts even as she is kissing him. He smirks as if sharing some chauvanistic secret with his friends. It tells a story without saying a word-true photographic art.

    No worries !!!

    This photograqh could definately use some cropping. Get rid of the truck on the left and crop out everything behind her. Also, next time try a different angle. Get down and try to shoot from her height or try to find an interesting angle. Get in closer. The child is the focus so have her take up more of the photograph and let her be more detailed. I want to be able to see the face of someone who has "no worries." Oh, to be young again... And always keep shooting!


    I like this very much. I don't know why I find it so appealing, I just do. Maybe it's the simplicity. No, I know what it is. It's the progression. Kid with stick becomes old man with cane and then flies to the beyond. I like the use of black and white and the siplicity of the background. Even the lack of detail suites this very well. Congratulations, Sarah



    I like this. The horse seems to be in a generic framed print. The horses expression (or lack there of) adds to the blankness of the walls and common look of the background. His/Her profile adds a perfect balance. It certainly does trick the eyes and has a witty level of irony.


    "You first."

    This is one of my favorite type of photographs. It makes me smile just to look at it. Childhood and the door that leads to a bright future...
  1. I am astonished to find that no one has commented on this lovely photograph. It is stunning. When I clicked on the thumbnail I was pleasantly surprised to see the pond in the background. Your painterly style has inspired me. thank you for sharing.


    I like this photo very much. The angle of the church, the road and village it leads to. The trees look wonderful and the tone and details are perfect.


    I like the concept. But, It feels odd to me that three legs remain at the park. If both front legs were in the air he would appear to be leaping into the unknown. As it is know the dog seems to be unbalanced.
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