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Posts posted by stuart_goodman2

  1. <p>i find the energy wasted on the minute analysis of lens resolution theory to be pathetic and a waste of everybody's time, particularly mine reading this silliness.<br>

    surely we use a camera to take a photograph?where are the opinions on how the thing handles and performs in use?</p>

    <p>please spare us this crap.</p>


  2. <p>i'm also usung hefger inks... no problems with both exhibition and sales prints... don't know how andrew would change his inks between his various uses of the printer.<br>

    my dealer in the uk now charges over 33gbp for 17ml ink... around 2 pounds a ml... over 2000 pounds a litre or 10,000 quid a uk gallon.<br>

    that' s rocket fuel prices. nobody can surely justify those prices for inkjet ink.<br>

    on three months experience of producing gallery prints which are equal in quality to hp based prints and which have not faded any differently to hp inks ( very scientific... tape two prints in full daylight and try to see difference).</p>

    <p>nuff said</p>


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