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Image Comments posted by rdshaw



    This image was the result of my exploring ways to record events

    indoors without flash - it was severely underexposed, then manipulated

    using PhotoShop to bring out the details.


    Constructive comments and feedback are appreciated!



    cherry blossoms 5

    I like the softness of this - it's a beautiful, serene image. The contrast between the flowers at the end of the branch and the white clouds is a little low, however - the part where the flowers are against the blue (darker) sky is more effective.

    Across a Field


    If it were me, I'd crop it closer, maybe even to eliminate the part of the sky that doesn't feature the clouds as well as the foreground; as it is, it isn't the clouds that stand out. Instead, the focus of the photo seems to be divided between the line of trees in the center, and the way that the foreground seems to mirror the sky.


    I do like the interplay between the trees and clouds.

    birds migrating

    I like the "movement" of the branch shapes in the image, but the intersection of branch and bird's head is a little jarring. I know it's hard to do when your subject is such a skittish animal, but perhaps a step to the side or to front or back might have opened a little blue space between head and branch?



    You've handled the focus and depth of field very deftly here. I love the way that both the birds and their branch are in sharp focus (especially the eye of the landing bird), while the blurred wings capture that sense of motion.



  1. I admire the composition of this photo - the way that the foreground rocks point the eye toward the cluster of haystacks on the right, while the break in the clouds highlights the large tree-covered one on the left. The little piece of peach-gold sky works nicely too, offsetting what would otherwise be a very solemn and dark shot.

    * * *


    This is a wonderful photograph of a difficult subject!


    I am struck in particular how nicely you focused this; the owlets are so crisp and sharp, while the blurred background really makes them stand out.

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