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Posts posted by william_hicks1

  1. <p>Heavy-set subjects are in my view, the toughest by far to please. It can be done, but any resistance you get is probably mostly psychological in nature. What I am saying is most people subscribe to the myth that anyone can be made to look pleasing in a photograph; this just isn't true. All you can do is try to minimize the things that will make them look anything but <em>their</em> best. The only problem with this type of photography is at the end of the day, no matter how hard you work to follow all the previously listed rules, stay upbeat, and compliment the couple, the end result, no matter how terrific or flawed, will be yours and yours alone. No client in this category will see images of themselves and think "I don't look that great there, but then again, I don't look that great". They will blame YOU for their shortcomings. So brace yourself and good luck!</p>
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