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Image Comments posted by frank_hesjedal

  1. This is definitively a very stylish photograph with a great model and great lighting. To me it is a very artificial pose the model is doing, but it works well. Awesome work.
  2. I was not sure what category to put thus picture in, but decided on

    documentary. It is a visual document on from a train trip I did from

    Manhattan to Huntington. I guess the woman sleeping is a worker

    commuting from Huntington to Manhattan every day. But I don’t know,

    cause I don’t know her. She just happens to be sleeping next to a guy

    with a camera. For me the pic works well, but what do you guys think?



    This is actuallu another photographer doing a shoot, whereas I shot her

    dreamy look. The other photographer still trying to figure out how to get

    her to pose the way he liked. I'm quite happy with this one, but welcome

    opinions on the picture/portrait.

  3. The picture is taken a dark and foggy morning in Horten in Norway. For

    a few seconds I got a glimpse of light and a fishing boat. The boat is

    coloured, whereas the rest of the pic is black and white. How does it


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