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Image Comments posted by cabrera


    Well, this is just breathtaking. A true source of inspiration for us nature lovers, and a genuine work of art. Thankyou for sharing this.

    Looking Out


    I have to respectfully disagree with Jennifer. The number of lines or the composition structure behind are merely accessory factors next to the incredible and surrealistic ground-sky colour combination. This looks like taken out from a dream.

    Love your monochromatic style. Keep up the good work.

    De la calma

    Esto es increíble. Qué maravilla. ¿Qué le puede decir un amateur a quien ejecutó esta belleza? Tu trabajo hace tiempo ya que es una fuente de inspiración para un servidor. La mejor de las suertes, y enhorabuena. Mario Cabrera.



    Mary, this is wonderful. This is the kind of thing that makes people want to travel, dream, imagine, sigh, and grab a camera.


    I appreciate your comment on my pic. Best regards, a true fan of yours.



    To me, photographs are story-tellers. Exceptionally resourceful, luring, crafty, cunning and overwhelmingly attractive story-tellers who by means of light and darkness, sadness and joy, warmth and cold, embrace the viewer with magical sheltering arms. - This is breath-taking. I can almost feel the cold and hear the flapping wings and the wind howling among the slopes around that twilit hill. Thankyou so much for sharing. To me this is very inspiring. Best regards, Mario.



    Great capture. Unique location. I´d personally let go off the grain filter to make it look stronger, but overall it´s an amazing photograph. Good job.



    I strongly and respectfully disagree with Mr. Meyer, when he says the name of the photograph jumps to conclusions, rather than giving the chance to the viewer to make their own judgement. (I am not quoting, of course, merely paraphrasing). Indeed, the name of the photograph jumps to the very conclusion the photographer deemed prudent jumping. Why would that be, by the way? Well, perhaps because he was holding the photographic instrument, because he was beholding the subject he probably thought of as a goddess, or maybe just because he thought the name would cause controversy. The point is, I do not really believe judging the name of a photograph instead of its strengths and weaknesses quite matches the expectations of an objective artistic criticism. Was not it overwhelmingly easier to simply ignore the name and focus on the -Photograph- ?? I do believe the site is intended for the viewing of photographs, not for the judging of titles.


    Tell you the truth... I do not really care about the name, or whether she is or not a goddess... the photograph is simply and amazingly breath-taking. A master management of light and b-w tones. Best regards...!!



    Interesting picture.... I quite enjoy the colours and tones you play with. Your idea of composition and chromatic use is very original. Keep it up.. Nice going.

    By the way, thankyou very much for the comment on my portfolio... I truly appreciate it. Best regards. Mario Cabrera.


    Awesome job. Great management of light and colour choice. This girl was born to wear red... Keep up the outstanding work. Best regards. Mario.


    I take my hat off, Hugh. In my very personal and individual opinion, this photograph has each and every necessary element to make it a genuine masterpiece. First, I love the textures, the tones and the different depths and layers that you craftily captured in this breathtaking composition. Second, the subject and the circumstance are excellent. This is just wonderful. The kind of image I would frame and display on an important wall of my place. Best regards, Mario.

    Pear - ing


    It appears, in my very personal opinion, that whoever has the nerve to dub, label, or judge a work of art (work of art because it is the product of an artist with a very particular sense of art, and not because you like it or not, Peter and Bilyana) without first trying at least to taste, introspect, analyze and appreciate whatever it was that the photographer was trying to convey, should not be counted or considered as valid (inasmuch as the word valid implies when talking about constructive criticism). The way I see it, no forum is perfect. Even this one, with its thousands of qualified and prominent posters, can shelter the one-worded "comments" of people who, far from providing insight to works as original, innovative and yes, uncommon* as this one, thrust dirt and leave aside the friendly colleague spirit. It is curious, if you stop to think about it, how people who supposedly joined a community of colleagues to provide both helpful insight and share motivating thoughts, use the messaging forum to stick adjectives to fine and original works.


    The composition of this photograph is strong, bold, and sensual. The way you used colors and managed the power of light in this picture is also something uncommon to see. As for the message, I had not even noticed the analogy of the shapes of the woman and the fruit. Her pose, her skin and the originality of the work make this nude, in my opinion, a truly revolutionary exponent of its genre.


    Keep the excellent, and out-of-the-box work coming. Best regards, Mario.




    To say that this opus magna may look better in certain different way, call it composition or lighting, would be like asking the sun to cast its rays upon a landscape in a particular way, or like saying that the rain should fall in certain particular angle for it to look "better". True unique works of art are born in such a way that is natural and should not be meddled with. If the work, in this case an image, was conceived with these characteristics (lighting, contrast, etc.) that is the way he saw it, and that is the way the work -is-. In my very particular opinion, this is a truly exceptional work of art and should be left untouched, for it to remain unique. Apalling and shocking beauty tends to intimidate or make people (other artists, frequently) feel unsettled, which does not imply the work does need a change. Keep up the excellent work. You are inspiring. M. Cabrera.


    Astrid, the expressions on their faces are unique. In my opinion, far more important than the elements with which you surrounded the objects, is the story, the feeling, or even the phrase each of those faces has to say. A fine work of art indeed. Keep up the good work. Your touch for portraits is not a common thing to see. Mario.

    Insect's World

    Indescribable. Mystical and ethereal. I can almost hear the wind that brushes its chitinous armor. The way you wield colors and composition is admirable. I can but send you a written applause of gratitude for this source of inspiration. Best regards. Mario.
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