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Image Comments posted by elleke


    I think this is quite a nice picture. I like the lines and the colours. However, I think it could be even better when you alter the composition slightly, for example with the line of the road not in the middle, or more zoomed-in pictures so it becomes more abstract. But it's nice, I would like to see more!
  1. Wonderful!

    I just had a look at your website and think you have really great pictures. The atmosphere is great in every picture, it's clear that you have a great passion and talent for nature phootgraphy.

    Keep up the great work!

    Wood Shed

    Nice picture, it is indeed like a scene. I like the light and the setting, but I think it could have been even better when the tree would have been on the picture completely. Now it kind of falls off the image, which is a pity.


    Wow!! This is awesome! I really like the composition, the lines of the fence really fit the lines of the sky and then this lonesome tree in it, really greatly captured! Was the air like this or did you manipulate it in some way? Very nice toning also.

    Going Home

    Wonderful! I really like the atmosphere and the feeling. It's classic and also quiet in a way, but at the same time quite haunting. May I ask how you got it like this, with the contrast and the toning? I really like it.


    thanks! I got it just by chance, actually. The cat was playing with the pillows on my bed - he always jumps over and under it - and I got my camera and took this picture :)


    Great picture! I love the atmosphere (fitting title, by the way) and the toning. How did you get it this wat? It looks quite special.
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