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Image Comments posted by paulstephen

  1. Daniel, I really admire your work. This is one of my favorite photos on photo.net. As a relatively inexperienced news shooter myself, it is absolute pleasure to see such creativity with real subjects. Thanks for sharing your work with all of us.


    The detail is nice and sharp, but unfortunately it is on the eyebrows instead of the eyes themself. This could be a stronger image by cropping the top just above the brows to eliminate the large amount of harsh glare on the forehead resulting from the on-camera flash. Fine tune the focus to the eyes and crop off the top and you will have a pretty strong photo (my opinion only, of course)


    This reminds me of a college class I had studying film noir movies from the fifties. The professor insisted that bars, ropes, chains and anything elso that is used to visually hinder a persons movement is symbolic of a deep degree of sexual frustration. I don't necessarially agree with the Freudian analysis, but the man certainly seems trapped by everything in the image.
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