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Posts posted by evan_browning

  1. <p>I've been observing several fashion photographer's work recently and am really admiring the control of color being displayed in their works. I would like to learn a bit about the utilization of gels in fashion studio photography. I came across Tom Hine's site and would like to offer his work as an example of what I am looking to learn more about: http://www.tomhines.com/studio.html <br>

    I'm really into the first few, with the goldish tint, and then the later ones with a cooler cast and semi-vignetted wall. What are your guys thoughts, and what else may be included in the process in post?<br>

    A lot of the shooting I have been doing personally has been with a two light setup, with a beauty dish as my main, and a medium sized softbox for fill (shooting mostly half body and tighter cropped). I'm looking to do some experimentation with gels this week, and am wondering what the difference in effect may be if I gel one light and not the other (?) </p>


  2. <p>Thanks for the perspectives. I'm going to have to try each of these out. I have access to a 22inch beauty dish with 40 deg grid, and was thinking this may give a similar result if placed close to model- <br>

    Tom, would you suggest that the light which is 15-20 feet away may have a very very narrow grid on it say 10 deg?</p>

  3. <p>I admire the fashion editorial work of Mari Sarai. I came across a few photos on her site which I am curious about how she got the lighting the way she did. </p>

    <p>http://www.marisarai.com/editorial.html <br>

    I'm referring to the 3rd thumbnail (there are two photos, its part of the Vanity Fair Italy series). Could this possibly be just 1 gridded strobe almost straight from the model who seems to be standing very close to a dark grey backdrop? Any thoughts?</p>


  4. <p>I'm in the market for a set of Elinchrom D-Lite4's, as per suggestion from friends and a photographer who I have assisted. I rarely shoot on full power, and will be using them as a key and fill, both always being set in between 1/2-1/16 power range. <br>

    Now to my question, what about a battery pack? Do I absolutely NEED one for studio shoots? What if the lights are plugged into different circuits, would that play any factor? I may occasionally snap the shutter a few times consecutively, but rarely need super fast recycle time...</p>

    <p>Any suggestions?</p>

  5. <p>been a few weeks. Here's my friend, posed to mimick a Mohammed Ali shot from the Magnum collection. Shot this with a D90 and Sigma 10-20mm @ 12mm, manual focus, 2 SB800s, one camera left with shoot thru umbrella and one on background (white wall).</p><div>00UvLN-186993584.jpg.d39fe984ff95a545555f2bc595710ef0.jpg</div>
  6. <p>Hey guys,<br>

    There seems to be such a high saturation of manipulated photos out there that sometimes beginner photographers can be pretty overwhelmed, wondering what is and what isn't possible before the photo is opened in post processing software. In an attempt to train my eyes, I've begun to analyze photos in a different manner, as I try to train myself to visualize an image before it is post processed. It's an important and necessary step for me. <br>

    I'm posting here because I think it would be very helpful along the learning curve to see some photo.net portrait photographers post their images first shot, then post processed. <br>

    Feel free to show your work in this thread!<br>


  7. <p>Hey guys-<br>

    Thank you. Mikael, thank you for your details. <br>

    The purchaser will be paying for the photos upfront. He hasn't published anything in the past. We have vaguely thrown around the phrase "publishing rights." He realizes this is a one time print run only, but there is a chance he may believe that the book can be printed in other languages. If the book was printed in more than one language, in this case, North American English, would that be more than the first print run, in legal terms?</p>

    <p> </p>

  8. <p>I recently scanned 68 of my father's photographs, taken in 1974. I've been contacted, by a collector of these style of photos (snapshots of urban art), who is interested in purchasing the publishing rights to them as he will be releasing a book soon, documenting the urban art from this era. These will not be the only photos in his book, as he will be using a selection of photos from his collection of 3000. My father will be given the proper photo credits.<br>

    At this point, we are at the stage of reaching a contractual agreement. My father agrees with the monetary offer, however, we are skeptical about the publishing rights, as this is our first time making this sort of deal. The individual interested in purchasing the rights has expressed that he will be going to an international publisher, who will most likely release the book in other countries.<br>

    What sort of advice can you give us as far as stipulations and clauses in the contract which will give us the most reasonable deal? If you need more information to write an answer, feel free to ask.<br>

    Thanks in advance guys.</p>

    <p>Evan Browning</p>

  9. <p>I want a portrait lens. Shooting on a D90, purchased a 50mm 1.8 a few months ago but would like something a bit longer and flattering because I still see some distortion at the 50mm length</p>
  10. <p>I'm purchasing one for portraits. For a while I was considering buying a 70-200, but realized i dont need a lens that long. Assuming that there is no comparison, I'll give it a shot.</p>
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