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Image Comments posted by guillaumemartin

  1. What would I change? Nothing.... I would have pressed delete. Nothing is in focus, I can't make out your face and there is no interest anywhere.

    Sorry if it sounds harsh but I would rather be honest than let you believe this shot is any good.

    My muse


    I can't say I agree with the above comments. It is not sharp and looks like a mistake.

    Makes me think it was a sneeky shot down some ladies shirt...?



    Her nose looks extremely prominent because it is the only part of her face which is brightly lit. I would suggest either darkening her nose a little or brightening the rest of her face and leaving the nose as is.

    I would be tempted to lighten the face that way the skin tone will match closer her hand.



    You've captured some nice light there.

    Unfortunately you paid little attention to your model before pressing the shutter as her large earing would look better sitting flat as apposed to sticking out the side of her head. Also those clothes do not flatter her in anyway, her breasts look squished, squeezed and uncomfortable.

    Perfil B&W


    Love the light in this portrait. Cropping to a square with space infront of her face may have more impact I feel.


    I don't know why people think it's B&W though???


    Nice soft subtle colours.

  2. Firstly I am a little confused, in your first paragraph you state there was NO photoshop done on the image, then in your next paragraph you state that you desaturated etc etc in photoshop?


    Anyway, I don't think you have isolated the background as well as you think. Because of the overly bright lighting to camera right you have blown some highlights in her hair which has made her hair merge with the background due to the similar tones.



    This is not a bad photograph but a few small things let it down from being anything better.


    Firstly eye contact, I know it's difficult with children but the rewards are worth the effort, eyes towards the camera is essential for a posed portrait.


    Secondly the socks, they are wearing what I would consider formal clothes for children, yet they have no shoes on. Cheapens the image somewhat.


    Thirdly the clapping, I don't understand why in a posed portrait you would want the children clapping.


    It appears you have attempted a formal portrait but achieved a posed candid.



    To me a portrait is all about the eyes............ you have led the viewer directly to this man's intense eyes with the angle of the hands, well done.


    While the depth of field draws our attention to the girl in the middle it makes the boy who also has eye contact with the camera a little distracting..........I just keeping thinking he should also be in focus.



    I must be missing something, I don't see anything so wonderful here ???


    What is that blue blurry thing on the left? A space ship???


    Not even her cigarette looks remotely realistic.

    green apple


    Selective colour techniques are just too gimmicky. They lost their appeal ages ago and quite frankly they never looked that good back then either.

    A nice model you have there, it would be worth exploring some more creative portraiture with her in the future.



    My apology Kevin, the hole in the head is what led me to believe it was an fake blur, but your explination clears that up for me!


    Maybe clone some head back in there ?????



    Composition is fantastic, the fake blur is suspect and the spot above his ear where you cut into his head with the blur is disappointing.


    This image has so much potential, it deserves a proper rework with a bit more attention to detail!

  3. Sorry the effect has not worked well at all. Just makes it look over sharpened or something.

    The posing isn't very nice either, she makes a wonderful subject so worth trying some more portraits.....without the hands......and maybe some sepia toning or simple B&W?

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