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Posts posted by gopinathramakrishnanthevar

  1. <p>I own a canon 40D and several lenses. For flash I use the following: (a) 580ex ii - one unit (b) 430ex ii - two units. I shoot mostly weddings, commercial and portraits. My question is if I were to purchase the PocketWizard Mini TT1, how many transceivers (FlexTT5) should I buy? It is a bit expensive but I would buy three FlexTT5 if I have to, so that i can use more than one flash simultaneously. Thank you very much for your suggestions in advance. </p>
  2. <p>Thanks Brian for reading the forum I had posted till the end. Even if you did not understand "sniper shot" I am sure you can make up of what the real questions were. I am sure somewhere in the forum it also mentions to respond only if you have something to contribute and avoid using "hell" or other similar words.<br>

    Although "sniper" shots hardly qualifies to be profane, I can still say that I am within Photonet's guidelines. My inexperience in photography but creativeness in language stirred me to use "sniper" shot when I meant candid photos from a distance. Just for your benefit Brian, since you had been very helpful to my questions, an example of that would be to photograph surfers from the guardhouse on a beach. I hope I have helped answer your question. </p>

  3. <p>Thank you all for your suggestions. As for the teleconverter (1.4x) I read in BobAtkin's blog about losing AF with some lenses. I am shooting with a 40D and might be buying a 5D MkII or its upgrade in the future. Which of these suggested lenses still maintains the Auto Focus (AF) with the 1.4x teleconverter?</p>
  4. <p>I use a Canon 40D camera. My current telephoto zoom lens that I have is the 70-200mm 4L USM. It does not have image stabilizer. <br>

    I am looking to purchase a good telephoto lens for sniper shots. I would like to take photos of jetskis, surfers, from the beach guardhouse. Please help me make a selection of what lens I should buy. My priority is to be able to take fast action shots well. At the same time, it will be nice to have a fast lens with a large aperture. <br>

    If I were to use a telephoto converter x2 accessory, will this work well for action shots with my 70-200mm 4L USM lens? What are the teleconverter's disadvantages? <br>

    I really appreciate all answers to help me make a decision. Thank you. Price is not a major concern. However I would make my decision based a lens based on meeting the function I am looking for and then the lowest possible price. Thank you for all the suggestions in advance.</p>

  5. <p>Bill, I would like the RAW as an option but I can do without it.<br>

    G10, Panasonic ZS3, Fuji F200EXR -<br>

    1.In terms of the image quality, do you think the G10 is superior compared to the cameras above in natural lighting condition?<br>

    2.The enhanced dynamic range in the Fuji is their competitive edge but is the camera user friendly like the canons or somewhat similar?<br>

    3. Which of the 3 cameras have the most customizability (if there is such a word)?</p>

    <p>Nikon S60, SX200IS, SD880IS<br>

    1. Which of these 3 cameras are compact have the most preset features?<br>

    2. Which of the 3 cameras produces the best image? Not the LCD resolution but the image resolution.<br>

    3. Which of the 3 is the most ergonomic build?</p>

    <p>Thank you very much.</p>


  6. <p>Thanks Eric, DB Cooper, Bill and everyone else that has provided some great feedback. Pertaining to size, I dont have a problem as long as it is not almost or as big as a DSLR. I manage to shortlist my choices to the following:-<br>




    Fuji F200EXR<br>

    Panasonic ZS3<br>

    Nikon S60 (too cool for school but how is the image resolution. I hear it is noisy even at ISO 400. is this true?)<br>

    Is the Fuji F200EXR better than the choices I mentioned above? How so? I had been eyeing the G10 for a long time. Is there a RAW shooting option on the other cameras above? Quality of the image is ultimately the most important. I was a little vague with the criteria earlier. It will be great if I could have preset menu options and a good lcd resolution along with it.</p>

  7. <p>Hi all,<br>

    I own a DSLR EOS 40D. I want to purchase a point and shoot for convenience. However, here's where the trouble begins.<br>

    I want a point and shoot that has the following in the order I have presented below:-<br>

    1.very good resolution<br>

    2.many preset features<br>

    3.LCD with a good resolution<br>

    I am willing to part below $400<br>

    I like the Nikon S60, Sony Cyber-shot DSC-T90 and T900. I am not sure if there are other superior cameras in this range. Please feel free to suggest other brands with some justification in comparison with the 3 models I have mentioned. Thanks a million.<br>

    <br /></p>


  8. <p>


    <p>Jonas, I think I know which client you're referring to. :)<br>

    I sent in my quotation a few weeks ago and had a presentation for them. When they said I was charging too much, I had told them to take their business elsewhere. I charged them the rates based on the market rate in the micronesian islands which is only a fraction from what they would be paying a commercial photographer in NY or NJ. This company has been in business for almost 20 years or so and is based in New Jersey. <br>

    Photographers should include the copyright fees for commercial use. <br>

    Elizabeth - the formula you have derived is easy to understanding. Thanks for sharing. </p>



  9. Thank you Michael I'llnotell & BW Gregory.


    A. Taner : thank you for sharing your experience with the Tokina 11-16mm f2.8.


    JDM: I would very much like to capture the bride and groom in a hotel lobby where the beautiful chandeliers on the ceiling and detail marble art on the floor is all captured in one photo (in this case I would probably be about 15 feet away from the couple). I think that should give you an idea of how wide I have in mind. Thanks for your comments.


    Alan Myers and G Dan Mitchell: Sorry for not furnishing you with more information. I currently use a 28-135mm f/3.5-5.6, 50mm f/1.8, 85mm f/2.8 and 70-200mm f/4L.


    Alan Myers ..."The lenses Michael mentioned are quite wide when used on a full frame like 5D or on a film EOS, but aren't particularly wide on any 1.6X crop camera like your 40D. On your camera I'd call them slightly or moderately wide instead" - I am glad to know this piece of information. Thank you.


    In the past, I have used only the 16-35mm f/2.8L Canon lens which I had borrowed. I am planning to purchase a full frame camera, possibly the EOS5D in a year. It would make sense to purchase a lens which I can interchange with my crop sensor 40D body and a full frame sensor body which I might purchase sometime in the future.

  10. I shoot landscape/seascape, indoor functions such as weddings, etc. I don't have a wide angle lens at present and

    would like to know what would be a good purchase. The camera I use is a Canon EOS 40D.

    Which ones should I be looking at before deciding to purchase a wide angle? Thank you in advance for your

    comments. (P.S. A fast lens would be a bonus since I also shoot in low light conditions at times too).

  11. Giampi - I realized that customizing the contract is necessary at many instances especially if one is far sighted to how the photos will be used. It can be very costly to hire an intellectual property lawyer (I am guessing). Since I am new to the playing field, I am not paying models but barter for TFCD. Can I send you a copy of my amended agreement just to get a second opinion? I would really appreciate it!
  12. I have just started a few assignments as below:-


    1. Models in exchange for TFCD

    2. Artist that need portrait shots for their flyers and album covers in exchange for


    3. Businesses that require photos taken for their website (advertising their services

    or product)


    Does anyone have a samples of release that I can use for the 3 projects above?


    The more I read, the more confuse I am getting. It seems like a whole field by



    One more piece of information that might be useful to you is that I might sell or

    publish No.1 and No.2 above. I need a model release that would protect me to sell

    or publish in the future. Hope my question is clear enough.


    Thanks in advance!

  13. I am very happy with the 50mm f 1.8II on my 40D for portraits. I checked out the 85mm f1.8 as most of you suggested and it looks very good. I would be trying out the lens to get a feel before making the purchase. I like background blur effect.


    Richard Crowe mentioned about a Tamron 90mm f2.8 SP Macro. The bokeh is pretty impressive on some websites. Has anyone else used this lens?


    Which wide angle can I pair with my lenses? 24-70L is fantastic but what would be the next best thing...I mean cheaper :)

    Is the 35mm f2 or 20mm f2.8 any good?


    Bob - the 5D is definitely going to be my future investment.

    I am looking for good bokeh, a faster len and possibly something which can also capture more than the model in a close environment - a good wide angle maybe?


    Giampi and Yannig- thanks for your advise.

  14. Thanks Rainer, Paul and Ken for your suggestions.


    Ken - I enjoy the 50mm f1.8 very much but I agree with you that manual focusing is quite challenging for portraits. I might consider trading it for the f1.4. As for the 70-200mm f2.8, it is beyond my budget for now. How is the 70-200mm f4 without IS? I think I can afford that and enjoy candid portraits. Would this be a good investment?

  15. I am using a Canon 40D coupled with a 28-135mm IS f3/5-5.6 and a 50mm f1.8

    lenses. Currently I am looking to purchase a good lens for approximately $600

    which would enhance my portraiture shots.


    I like the L series. Does the IS for L series really matter if I do not use a tripod? I

    prefer shooting without the tripod for portraits, glamour and fashion.


    I also want a lens that gives me a decent bokeh. Please advise. Thank you!

  16. Here is a situation I am having. I bought a Hoya UV filter which protects my 28mm-

    135mm lens for my Canon EOS 40D.

    I also purchased a Hoya Circular Polariser a month later. I am not sure of the order

    which I should go with arranging the filters on my lens. Is it as follows?


    Order from lens as follows:-

    1. Circular Polariser

    2. UV Filter

    3. Lens Hood


    Other Questions:-


    1. Is it true that although the UV filter does almost nothing in terms of photo

    quality if I am using a circular polariser?

    2. The UV filter can be used as a protection for the lens and circular polariser. True

    or False?

    3. Did I waste my money buying the UV filter in the first place?

    4. I shoot landscape, portraits, street and macro mostly. Can I have my circular

    polariser on my lens permanently? What instances should I remove this filter while

    taking a photograph?


    Being a newbie I realize that I can never get better advise from photographers that

    have similar experience over the years. Thank you very much for your feedback.

  17. I never knew him. He has a great following from his portfolio and work. I pray and hope he is in a better place. He had left behind his work which will continue to inspire many and he will always be remembered. Alberto, thank you for sharing your talent to the world. God Bless! ~Krish~
  18. Hi Frank. Thanks for imparting your knowledge and experience. I do carry my manual with me and read it every little chance I get. The internet is probably one of the best sources of information for me. I will heed your advice on learning all about my camera first. Thanks again!!
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