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Image Comments posted by paulbg



    The expression is priceless!  The "determination to be happy" or the "wisdom of happiness in one so young" are my interpretations of the shot.  I thoroughly enjoyed viewing it! 

    The Wise


    You have caught the beauty of aging... a happy disposition and a joyous attitude in spite of (or celebration of?) time passed.  Well done!

    Child portrait


    Fascinating photo... she (assuming it's a 'she' because of the earrings) seems old and wise way beyond her years and her eyes are like glass... feel like I'm looking into her very soul.  Oh, when I say "fascinating" I mean that I really like a photo and yes I like the b & w render.



    I really like the quiet, almost resigned mood of this photo and the composition... her head and and upper torso are almost haloed in light while bowing towards the blackness.   



    You captured a beautiful candid (or was it posed?) of the wide-eyed innocence of childhood.  I also like how it is framed against the shadowed, vaporous background.  Makes me smile. :)



    I was very intrigued upon first seeing this image.  My eyes move from the face to the reflection and then back again, which means it is an interesting composition.  The mood of the shot is contemplative; makes me wonder what she is thinking. Part of me wishes I could see a sharper and clearer image in the reflection, but then it might lose its mysterious quality.  I both enjoyed viewing and contemplating this picture. :)



    Such sinuous lines from just a head and shoulders shot... almost as if looking at a full-bodied nude!  And the light gradations are so subtle as to appear seamless.  One of the best portraits I've had the pleasure of viewing.



    What a gorgeous image!  From the highlights to the shadows, the different textures from smooth skin to the ruffled, translucent fabric and even the detail of the glowing necklace all contribute to an incrediably visually interesting image.  This is the kind of image I aspire to shoot someday!  Frankly, I think the eyes would have been lost in shadow anyway, so that's a non-issue for me.



    I liked this one the best of your light painting series.  The white lines are nicely counterbalanced by the red, making for an interesting composition.

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